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Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis Quotes ... Page 1

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"I got really good at missing opportunities." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Second chances do come your way. Like trains, they arrive and depart regularly. Recognizing the ones that matter is the trick." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I am starting to buy into it, into the anti-female propaganda disguised as romance." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I go to great lengths to amuse myself because, you see, no one else does." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I'm one of those people who other people like but never remember." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"All of the things in my life that worked suddenly seemed broken. So I abandoned my former life. Truth be told? It was an emergency escape hatch that released me from a job that had kidnapped my personal life, and got me out of a relationship I was too afraid to engage in." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I was in my hotel room, worrying what hypothetical and amazing thing might happen next, yet afraid to find out." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"If it were going to happen, it would have already happened. (Admittedly, even while I'm thinking this, I'm hoping it's not true. It's too simplistic, and when you apply the statement to almost any situation, frankly, it doesn't hold up. I mean, what does its not having happened yet have to do with preventing it from happening in the future? Nothing! Is it a predictor of things to come? Who knows! I don't want the statement to be true, of course. It's just true for now. That gets my hopes up, which just lets me down, so I need to stick with this thinking--you see.)" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'Oh you know what I mean. Some people like a project. Like to research and find the newest drug, the best doctors, the latest this, the hottests that. I really just want to enjoy my home, my daughters, take my walks, and have a nice glass of wine at night. I don't need anything else.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'The thing that's always concerned me about you is that you live your life with one foot out the door. It's unsettling.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Okay, that is officially the most hurtful thing he's ever said to me. I think I might cry because it also happens to be true. I do live with one foot out the door. But if I cry, he wins, right? I'm not sure what he wins exactly. The satisfaction of articulating my dysfunction better than I can? All I know is I can't lose this one. Maybe I really am a lawyer at heart. Why is winning even part of this exchange?" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'a spouse, or even an ex-spouse, would have required you to have made a commitment to someone,' Sam says. 'That's not an area of strength for you, is it?'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'I've thought for a long time that we were going to end up together, so I didn't really care so much about the when of it. Now, though, the long road is starting to seem like the infinite road.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Lost people are different. They will drive around in the same circle over and over rather than try a new path. Their fear of getting more lost paralyzed them into staying lost in the area that's just become familiar. It supersedes their ability to chart a new course. They circle and backtrack and stay comfortably lost because it's less scary than seeing something different than what's presently in front of them." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"The navigation system speaks. It has a British accent. I distrust it immediately. It sounds too smooth. Like a player." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"it's what happens when loss is always there with you. When you see the antidote to the loss, the moment becomes palpable and illuminated. You can't avoid knowing it is in the room with you. The idea that a life's wound could be healed is exciting treachery. Too good to be true." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"If I spoke the truth, what's the worst thing that could happen to me? He wouldn't speak to me? We're already not speaking." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"It was unusual for me to be the afterthought." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Hiding is what I'm all about. He wants to strip that away. I hate it that I can't have a crisis that isn't accompanied by a sales pitch for more sessions. But I'm simultaneously flattered that my situation is so dire that he wants to see me more often." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"But it's still hard to get excited about good-bad news. I need to work on that, I guess." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'Melancholy half of the time,' I say. 'Annoyed the other half. But most of the time, you know, things are remarkably the same, which is both comforting and kind of a shame.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'The surprise is that you continue to be surprised.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Daytime TV isn't just a guilty pleasure. It is crack cocaine. You try and break the habit." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"No one seems to be paying attention to it, except for me." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"How do you become so monumentally lacking in empathy? You practice every day until it sticks." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Maps, all of them, hopefully imply there are places you should want to be, and people working diligently to make it easier for you to get there. I like to imagine a band of solitary travelers dispersed and making all the wrong turns so I don't have to. I long for the neat, personal map that warns me of the wrong turns that could have saved me the inconvenience of a few side trips in my life." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"A temporary thing requiring no stressful tests to see how my past might repeat itself in my future with him." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Don't ever underestimate the allure of what looks easy." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"As for right now, I'm lost. A map, any map, would be greatly appreciated. I'm not the first lost person to feel this way. Lost people just want a way out; they'll follow any foolish trail." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'It's the only real advantage to getting older. You get to say what you mean and stop apologizing.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I'm stronger than I would have guessed." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"It's so horrible to want to fast-forward through anyone's life--or death. Skip the grief and jump to the next scene. Skipping the grief is an eerie U-turn back to childhood."- Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"My grief is so old it's a habit. It is so much a part of me that I'm afraid to give it up."- Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I have this unrealistic view of things. I believe life should be a series of seamless transitions. When it's not, I'm shocked and disappointed."- Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"who needs a map when there's only one passable road to the future? When you're headed in the only direction that makes any sense at all to you? You don't need a map to find your home."- Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Life is a selfish pursuit. You tend to your own little corner of the world and hope your conscience keeps you in check."- Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'Did it really happen the way I remember it happening? You ran out of my office in midsentence? I also remember that you really like me. You like me way too much to end things like this.'"- Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'I kind of wish I smoked at times like this.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I don't like it when someone tells me something about myself that I haven't yet realized. If I lack the courage to tell myself something revealing, I'm not ready to hear it from someone else." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"He was so angry when he was saying it, even today it seems like a scary prospect that I narrowly escaped." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"Then I snap out of it and remember I'm being turned down by a dating service. . . I haven't even been given the opportunity to be turned down by an actual individual. A small business is turning me down." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'I thought it was a date; turns out I was just being robbed.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I need a schedule, need to know what happens next." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I do love the unexpected details I'm gleaning. I can't collect enough of them." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"'A label peeler, huh?' Will asks. I nod. 'In college that meant a girl was easy.'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"I like the straightforwardness of the plastic divider. This is my side, that's yours. No ambiguity. No guessing." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"One foot out of two different doors." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"At some point I must learn to finish and not just start." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"There is some freedom in writing a letter you know no one will answer. Some torture and regret, too, of course." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"When reality hits it always hurts." - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

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