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Depressed Quotes ... Page 3

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"In a world of pollution, profanity, adolescence, zits, broccoli, racism, ozone depletion, sexism, stupid guys and PMS, why the hell do people still tell me to have a nice day?"

"I wish I was like you. Happy. Perky. Chirpy. Smiling and laughing all the time. I wish things didn't matter to me. I wish I was unfeeling towards others. I wish I was selfish. Just like you. You're he perfect role-model. The kind of person people look up to. Yeah. I wish I was that way. Heartless. Rude. Inconsiderate. Phony. Yeah. That's you. Oh, if I could be that way." - Jackie

"You say I'm always so happy, and that I'm good at what I do, but what you'll never realize is, I'm a dang good actress too."

"I no longer have the energy to be superficial." - Sex and the City

"Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when I was six, and my biggest problem was what kind of dress to put on Barbie or whether or not I had enough Lego's to build a fort."

"I used to cry because I didn't think I was loved, now I cry because I don't think I deserve to be."

"Unfortunately this is one of those times where no one can kiss it and make it all better."

"I try to grab hold of reality, but somehow it keeps escaping me."

"Forgetting doesn't make it all better, it just makes it hurt again when I remember."

"God only gives us stuff he knows we can handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much."

"Reality continues to ruin my life!"

"Just when I thought I had learned all the answers someone went and changed the questions."

"I know I act like I don't care, but it's just a cover-up because I care too much to tell anyone." - Justine

"The life that I was trying for is gone, and I am feeling so darn sorry for myself that it is hard to breathe." - As Good As It Gets

"I never thought I'd end up here, I never thought I'd be standing where I am... I guess I kind of thought it would be easier than this, I guess I was wrong." - Lifehouse

"This is over my head, but underneath my feet... Cause by tomorrow morning I'll have this thing beat. And everything will be back to the way that it was... I wish that it was just that easy." - Lifehouse

"As much as I feel sad, I think it's the not knowing that really bothers me." - Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

"And I'm not so sure if I'm sure of anything anymore."- taking back sunday, "the blue channel"

"The truth is it still kills me to this day." - White Octave

"I always do things my own way, never care what the experts say. I thought they were so full of shit. I guess it's time to pay." - Ten Foot Pole

"And I was wrong this time, oh I was so wrong." - The Anniversary

"Why is it so hard for me? I hold back my heart and it all falls apart." - Brandston

"I always knew it would feel like this but I can't say I was ready for it." - Brandston

"Honestly am I that wrong? Is it me every time?" - Brandston

"I always dreamed I'd have it all. Never thought I'd take a fall. Now I've run out of chances and all I can see is the wall." - Ten Foot Pole

"If life was like a giant VCR, our lives would be a lot of video tape. And we could just fast forward past the really bad stuff, and rewind the really good stuff. Except, with my luck, I'd probably lose the remote � and get stuck at like, cheerleader day in the cafeteria." - My So-Called Life

"It's one of those days. Again." - Eeyore

"My life's rapidly becoming a punch line for a seriously disturbed joke." - Dawson's Creek

"There is a certain freedom in being completely screwed, because you know things just cant get any worse."

"I feel like I've tried for so long to be happy, and the more I try, the more that goal slips from my reach. It's almost like quicksand where the more you struggle, the more submerged you become. I've given up on everything. Nothing matters to me anymore. Especially myself. The part of my life that matters least to me is myself. Because I'm no one and I always have been."

"It's hard to sleep; I don't wanna dream about things I know aren't going to become reality."

"Do you think it is easy being me? Do you think it's easy putting on the act that I do every day? I smile when all I want to do is cry � I laugh when all I want to do is die � I want to tell everyone how my world falls apart each night when I am laying in bed with tears in my eyes, pleading with God to help me. I want to let everyone know what it is like to be me, pretending to be happy � pretending to like myself. If it was up to me, I wouldn't be pretending, I would actually be happy. Too bad it's not �"

"They say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Well maybe some of us are just too sick and tired of being so damn strong." - Boy Sets Fire

"There's just some days when it all seems to be wrong and nothing feels right."

"I can't take it anymore. Everyone thinks I'm indestructible; the girl who never flinches; the girl who always has a smile on her face; the girl that's gone through so much yet doesn't have one scar -- and I'm tired of it! I don't want to live behind a wall of laughter and smiles anymore. I want people to understand me. I want people to understand how hard it is to be me and to have to deal with all this crap and still be expected to be happy. It's not fair. Why is it that everyone else can just fall apart but I have to be the one to keep it together?"

"It's hard to answer the question 'what's wrong?' when nothing's right."

"I feel like I am sitting in a room full of people that I love, and you know what, they just don't care that I love them. They don't care whether or not I live or die. To them I'm just another girl, just another stranger. To me, they are my best friends, the only people I have left."

"How can hell be any worse, when life alone is such a curse." - Bad Religion

"Everything I've said, to try and make it work has always been so misunderstood." - Fenix TX

"What I suffered outside was nothing compared to what I underwent within."

"You never see my tears, but that doesn't mean I don't cry. You never feel my pain, but that doesn't mean I don't hurt. You only see me smile, and that doesn't mean that I am happy." - Michelle Burns

"This is where I say I've had enough and no one should ever feel the way that I feel now. A walking open wound, a trophy display of bruises and I don't believe that I'm getting any better, any better." - dashboard confessional, "saints and sailors"

"I feel fine enough I guess... considering everything's a mess." - Barenaked Ladies

"I've got somebody else's thoughts in my head, I want some of my own..." - Lifehouse

"Am I really happy or is it all just an illusion...?" - Creed

"I can't find my way back to me." - Fuel

"My whole life is waiting for something to happen." - My So-Called Life

"It hurts to smile... and you try to fit in, and you can't..." - Girl, Interrupted

"Dark clouds may hang over me, but I'll work it out..." - Dave Matthews Band

"Sometimes I think I spend my whole life tryin to figure out where I fit in..." - Trent Reznor

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