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"You know, I would've been a really good postal worker. I'm dependable." - Grey's Anatomy

"You know what you did a cut throat thing. Deal with it. Don't come to me for absolution. You wanna be a shark, be a shark." - Grey's Anatomy

"I can't think of any one reason why I want to be a surgeon, but I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit. They make it hard on purpose. There are lives in our hands. There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward or turn around and walk away. I could quit, but here's the thing... I love the playing field." - Grey's Anatomy

"Surgery's hot. It's the marines. It's macho. It's hostile. It's hardcore. Geriatrics is for freaks who live with their mothers and never have sex." - Grey's Anatomy

"You�re not the enemy. You�re just the competition." - Grey's Anatomy

"At some point you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out, they fence you in. Life is messy, that's how we're made. So you can waste your life drawing lines...or you can live your life crossing them. But there are some lines that are way too dangerous to cross. Here's what I know. If you're willing to take a chance...the view from the other spectacular." - Grey's Anatomy

"You underestimate me. I'm not a baby, I'm your colleague. You don't have to manipulate me. If you want something all you have to do is ask." - Grey's Anatomy

"You know, I almost died today. Yeah, I came like this close. How would you feel if I died and you didn't get a chance to go out with me?" "The thrill of the chase. I've been wondering to myself, why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you? You know you're my boss. You know it�s against the rules. You know I keep saying no. It�s the chase." - Grey's Anatomy

"I wish there were a rulebook for intimacy. Some kind of guide to tell you when you've crossed the line. It would be nice if you could see it coming, and I don't know how you fit it on a map. You take it where you can get it, and keep it as long as you can. And as for rules, maybe there are none. Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself." - Grey's Anatomy

"Intimacy is a four syllable word for, 'Here is my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger and enjoy.' It's both desired, and feared. Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's... relatives, romance, and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know." - Grey's Anatomy

"Responsibility, it really does suck. Unfortunately, once you get past the age of braces and training bras, responsibility doesn't go away. It can't be avoided. Either someone makes us face it or we suffer the consequences. And still adulthood has it perks. I mean the shoes, the sex, the no parents anywhere telling you what to do. That's, pretty damn good." - Grey's Anatomy

"We�re not gonna talk about it anymore is what�s gonna happen. Are we clear? Or have you had too much alcohol to understand me?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Five years ago, as a CT fellow, I had a nagging feeling that I didn't check the body cavity of a lung patient closely enough before I closed. The patient seemed fine post-op and I was in a hurry. And yesterday, you and Dr. Bailey pulled a towel out from under that patient's lung. Why didn't I report it at the appropriate time? Maybe because I was afraid that I would be called into a meeting where some hospital lawyer's fear of liability could end my career. Even great doctors make mistakes. And when we do, we've got to have a chance to be able to speak up without fear of retribution. Or everyone suffers." - Grey's Anatomy

"Responsibility, it really does suck. Unfortunately, once you get past the age of braces and training bras, responsibility doesn't go away. It can't be avoided. Either someone makes us face it or we suffer the consequences. And still adulthood has it perks. I mean the shoes, the sex, the no parents anywhere telling you what to do. That's, pretty damn good." - Grey's Anatomy

"So you blew me off for a bottle of tequila. Tequila's no good for you. Doesn't call, doesn't write. It's not nearly as much fun to wake up to" - Grey's Anatomy

"Remember when you were a kid and your biggest worry was, like, if you'd get a bike for your birthday or if you'd get to eat cookies for breakfast? Being an adult? Totally overrated. I mean, seriously, don't be fooled by all the hot shoes and the great sex and the no parents anywhere telling you what to do. Adulthood is responsibility." - Grey's Anatomy

"We're adults. When did that happen?! And how do we make it stop?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Burke: Look, I'm just...What is this...that we're doing here? What is it?
Cristina: You need a definition? You... really want to be that guy?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Just because Shepherd wants to munch your cookies doesn't mean you didn't deserve what you worked for." - Grey's Anatomy

"I have to end it. I definitely have to end it. I have to end it, right?" - Grey's Anatomy

"No good can come from sleeping with your boss." - Grey's Anatomy

"He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we haven't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still, sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin meant. That knowing is better than wondering. That waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst, most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying." - Grey's Anatomy

"A couple hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success: 'Never leave that till tomorrow,' he said,'which you can do today.' This is the man who discovered electricity. You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say. This is the man who discovered electricity. You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection. Sometimes, the fear is just of making a decision. Because, what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?" - Grey's Anatomy

"I don't need to talk about it. I experienced it - naked." - Grey's Anatomy

"Seriously? You're equating your pathetic love life with my record-breaking tumor? Seriously?" - Grey's Anatomy

"I've done everything you've asked me to do. I may not do it your way but it gets done. So whatever else you got, bring it on." - Grey's Anatomy

"I mean if life's so hard already, why do we bring so much trouble on ourselves. What's up with the need to hit the self-destruct button?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know, maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop." - Grey's Anatomy

"You're all, uh, mushy and warm... and full of secret feelings." - Grey's Anatomy

"You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales? That fantasy of what your life would be. White dress, Prince Charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill... You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming - they were so close you could taste them. But eventually, you grow up. One day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But the thing is, it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely. 'Cause almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope, of faith, that one day they'll open their eyes and it will all come true." - Grey's Anatomy

"At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than your dream. The castle, well it may not be a castle. And it's not so important that it's happily ever after � just that it's happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you. And once in a while, people may even take your breath away." - Grey's Anatomy

"Lighten up. It'll be good for your blood pressure." - Grey's Anatomy

"See, this is going somewhere weird. I want facts, and until I get them, my pants are staying on." - Grey's Anatomy

"Secrets can't hide in science. Medicine has a way of exposing lies. Within the walls of the hospital, the truth is stripped bare. How we keep our secrets outside the hospital � well, that's a little different. One thing is certain, whatever it is we're trying to hide; we're never ready for that moment when the truth gets naked. That's the problem with secrets � like misery, they love company. They pile up and up until they take over everything, until you don't have room for anything else, until you're so full of secrets you feel like you're going to burst." - Grey's Anatomy

"Somewhere out there is a steak with your name on it and maybe a bottle of wine." - Grey's Anatomy

"Around here, the only thing that spreads faster than disease is gossip." - Grey's Anatomy

"I bet you've got some seriously kinky skeletons in your closet." - Grey's Anatomy

"Kinda gives new meaning to the term metrosexual." - Grey's Anatomy

"The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free. Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open, like it or not. And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore. The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control... you're not." - Grey's Anatomy

"I've already seen more of you than I ever wanted to. I'll be fighting nightmares for a week." - Grey's Anatomy

"You know, I have spent hours, days,... years imagining myself half naked in a room with three women. The reality is so much better." - Grey's Anatomy

"They say that practice makes perfect. Theory is� the more you think like a surgeon, the more you become like one, the better you get at remaining neutral, clinical, cut, suture, close - the harder it becomes to turn it off. To stop thinking like a surgeon, and remember what it means to think like a human being." - Grey's Anatomy

"It's only one of two things. Either your boss is giving you hell or your boyfriend is. Which is it?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Explain? You know when you should've explained? The night we met at the bar, before any of the rest of it. Yeah, that would've been a good time to discuss it!" - Grey's Anatomy

"Derek: Look, I know how you feel.
Meredith: Do you?! Somehow I doubt that because if you did, you would shut up and you would turn around and go back inside because you would realize that I am this close to getting in my car, and running you down in the parking lot!" - Grey's Anatomy

"To be a good surgeon you have to think like a surgeon. Emotions are messy. Tuck them neatly away and step into a clean sterile room where the procedure is simple. Cut, suture, and close. But sometimes you�re faced with a cut that won�t heal. A cut that rips its stitches wide open." - Grey's Anatomy

"Damn it. I'm a bad sponge. A leaky sponge. I'm gonna leak all the wrong secrets. I'm a bad liar. I can't even lie about talking to myself." - Grey's Anatomy

"Wore my new lip gloss 'cause my ex-boyfriend's wife looks like Isabella freakin' Rossellini, and I'm like... me. I'm trying to outdo her when she's the victim here, how crazy is that?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win." - Grey's Anatomy

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