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In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner Quotes ...

"'I've been waiting to talk to you for a while. the way it ended... what I did...' he clutched her hands. 'I wanted to be good for you,' he said in a choked voice. 'I was weak. I was an idiot. I threw away everything we could have had, and I've felt horrible about myself for months.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'you don't know what it was like to live in this house. you don't know what it was like to spend years never being good enough. never being the first choice, never being the one anyone really wanted. never being able to put a foot right.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'no, it's not enough. it's not even a good start. how could you?'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I'm so happy for my sister right now," said Maggie. "When we were growing up, Rose always took care of me. She always stuck up for me, and wanted what was best for me. and I'm so happy because I know that Simon will do the same things for her, and that we'll always be a part of each other's lives. we'll always love each other, because that's what sisters do. that's what sisters are.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I love you very much my bride-to-be.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I want you to lean on me. I want you to say good-bye before you go somewhere.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner (passage by e.e. cummings)

"'it's really, truly, genuinely, absolutely over, and I'm sorry that you saw what you saw, but it doesn't mean anything.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'you're sorry for what happened. I'm sorry, too.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"like the past was something you could leave behind like a candy bar wrapper or a pair of shoes you'd outgrown." - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I've felt horrible about myself for practically my entire life. you think I'm going to feel sorry for you?'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I never thought I could be a substitute for . . . for everything you'd lost.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'don't change the subject, you have this... this history. and I don't know anything about it.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"and everyone had lied by the things they'd told and the things they'd kept secret." - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"maybe this is what it feels like to go crazy." - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I want to make it up to you,' he said. 'I want to make it right.' 'forget it,' she said. 'it's over. I've moved on.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"She remembered that feeling too well, of what it was like to walk into an empty house and find that the person you loved had disappeared without a word.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"Rose eventually managed to fill three shopping bags with things she didn't need, with anything that caught her eye and gave her even a second's hope that her life -- that she herself -- could be repaired." - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"she felt as though her life had turned into a movie, with a stranger playing the part of her." - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I'm on hiatus from romance.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I think it's a good idea to take a break every once in a while.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'I'm very independent,' she said, 'I like being alone.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"'you know how lawyers are. they've got to have answers for everything, so when someone just disappears, you know, they want an explanation.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"poetry wasn't meant to be obvious on its surface, and every reader, whether they were Princeton smarties or community-college dropouts, had to go through the process of deciphering the words, then the sentences, then the stanzas, pulling the poem apart and putting it back together before it would yield its meaning." - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

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