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Favorite Quotes from the Advice Category

"Enjoy all the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

"Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough." - Kermit the Frog

"Take control of your destiny, believe in yourself, ignore those who try to discourage you, avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits, don't give up and don't give in." - Wanda Carter

"Let's bypass the bullshit and move on, cause the minute hand moves faster than you think it does." -John Mayer

"You should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about." - Charlie and the chocolate factory

"Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real when you woke up you didn't know what to believe? What would you do if what you thought was true wasn't, and what you thought wasn't true was? Would you retreat into your dreams with the hope of finding a more perfect reality? Sometimes life is stranger than a dream, and the only way to wake up is to face what lies are hidden in your soul. And you can only hope that in those moments of dark reflection, that you are not alone." - One Tree Hill

"'Sacrifice is part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to. Little sacrifices. Big sacrifices.'" - The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

"Do what you gotta do, know what you gotta know, hang on until you can't anymore, and just learn to let go."

"You have all the time in the world, so keep on fighting, and never let them say there's anything that you can't do." - Juliana Theory, "piano song"

"If you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly." - When in Rome

"You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because someone else has a problem with it." - Sex and the City

"Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have, or could have had. No one waits forever..."

"You cannot be a beacon of hope when you have darkness in your heart. " - Smallville

"You closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too, even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling." - Tuesdays with Morrie

"If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself, you should say 'He obviously doesn't know me very well, since there are so many other faults he could have mentioned.'"

"We've all got troubles. We all make mistakes. But let's not take a little river turn it into lake." - Jennifer Love Hewitt, 'hey everybody'

"Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it. Because nobody else will. Like when someone comes into your life and half of you says you're nowhere near ready, but the other half says: make her yours forever." - Remember Me

"It's time you wake up and see the truth." -underoath

"When making your choice in life...don't neglect to live."

"In the end, I've come to believe in something I call 'The Physics of the Quest.' A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you." - Eat Pray Love

"If the person you're talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear." - Winnie the Pooh

"If you're going to walk on ice, you may as well dance." - The Grateful Dead

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Don't consider what someone thinks of you important, because they're just talking about you because it makes them feel like they're important."

"There are some things in life that don't go the way you want them to or the way you think they should, but you can't dwell on these because you'll miss out on other opportunities. Don't give up one something just because you don't think things will work, you won't know unless you give it a try. But don't hold onto something that left a long time ago, because sooner or later you'll realize some things just aren't meant to be."

"Stand up for what you believe in. The truth matters, so tell it, no matter what." - One Tree Hill

"'We just have to live our lives to the fullest while we still have lives to live.'" - The Heat Seekers by Zane

"Time goes by so fast; people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you." - Cheers

"Accept everything about yourself, I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end, no apologizes, no regrets." - Clark Moustakas

"You're my sons. And I failed you. I'm sorry for that. For so many other things. But I'm proud that each of you became the kind of men I could never be. You're good men, and you're good brothers. Don't let the world change that." - One Tree Hill

"Appreciate the good times, but don't take the worst for granted. 'cause you only get so many second chances." - The Ataris, "eight of nine"

"Here's something to remember when you're older Thomas - never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart." - The Bucket List

"Maybe a good rule in life is never become too important to not do your own laundry."

"When you close your eyes, do you like what you see?"

"Don't ever think that there's not enough time to show how much you care. Always remember, big things are nice, but it's the small stuff in love that counts."

"When all of your tears dry, let your troubles roll by." - Carbon Leaf, "let your troubles roll by"

"I think all of us want to feel something that we have forgotten or turned our backs on, because maybe we didn't realize how much we were leaving behind. We need to remember what used to be good. If we don't, we wont recognize it even if it hits you between the eyes." - 13 going on 30

"Never let the odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do." -Satchel Paige

"You have to forget about what other people say, when you're supposed to die, or when you're supposed to be loving, you have to forget about all these things, you have to go on and be crazy, craziness is like heaven." - Jimi Hendrix

"Live your life to the fullest. You only get one."

"Don't risk anything you aren't willing to lose." - Boy Meets World

"You think that they're the shit, but you lost, but they're just full of it." - The Eyeliners, "you lose"

"I believe that everything happens for a reason, but I think it's important to seek out that reason, that's how we learn." -Drew Barrymore

"everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow "- Doug Firebaugh

"In your world you're only a phone away, but in my world you're too far to feel; And it may take some time to learn what's real; And you may have to beg and borrow and you will surely steal. Remember all those lonely sessions turned into yesterday's lessons to never forget love." - Carbon Leaf, "paloma"

"You might want to try handing out some hope every once in a while. Even if there's a 99 percent probability that they're utterly, hopelessly screwed, folks are much more inclined to hear that 1 percent chance that things are going to be okay." - Lost

"You don't know what it's like, so keep your mouth shut." - RBF

"Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again."

"Could be better. Could be worse. Could just be different. The best thing you can do now is just let it go." - Dawson's Creek

"After living in the dark for so long, a glimpse of the light can make you giddy. Strange thoughts come into your head, and you better think 'em. Has a special fate been calling you and you not listening? Is there a secret message right in front of you and you're not reading it? Is this your last, best chance? Are you gonna take it? Or are you goin' to the grave with unlived lives in your veins?" -The Good Girl

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