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It's Over Quotes ... Page 3

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"There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with them.. I'm not saying I don't love my old boyfriend anymore because that's not true, I'll always love him, but I won't always be 'in' love with him."

"I've waited for you two to be over since you've basically been together. And now that you finally are . . . I want nothing to do with you." - JoAnne Golden

"I feel dirty and so depraved. my knees have bled to hold you here but now I've lost the taste, for lies force fed as time well spent." - Boy Sets Fire, "still waiting for the punchline"

"And I don't really miss you, I just need to know: Do you ever think of you and I?" - Amanda Marshall, "beautiful goodbye"

"Maybe its for the best, maybe its not for anything." - New Found Glory

"Maybe I could have loved you better. Maybe you should have loved me more. Maybe our hearts were just next in line. Maybe everything breaks sometime." -Jewel

"And in the future, I'd appreciate it if we'd keep our relationship strictly professional." - Grey's Anatomy

"I wouldn't know what to do with another chance if you gave it to me." - Fiona Apple, 'The Way Things Are'

"I still believe we're meant for each other...except I believe we're meant to be just friends..." - Kels

"When I had sat down and thought about us who we are and who we were and what I thought we had I realized it was me that fell for you and you who used me over and over again and there's nothing I'll ever be able to do to change that and for as long as I will ever be able to remember back it's always been that way." - Monica Berry

"He was everything to me and now were just friends. So now he's half of everything to me." - Justine

"and I wasn't joking when I said... Good Bye." - Ani DiFranco, 'fire door'

"Sometimes I look back and wish he wouldn't have hurt me so bad. After all, if he hadn't, I wouldn't be as terrified as I am now about being in a relationship. At the same time, if he hadn't broken my heart, I wouldn't know better. I'd keep going back to him, and he'd keep leading me on. And most importantly, I'd be stuck in a never ending cycle of believing that I couldn't do any better." - JoAnne Golden

"when you said you wanted more, then you labeled me a whore, and these days forget, but nothing mutes the wound inside." - one true thing, 'dearest'

"Her behavior hadn't changed, but I had." -a return to love

"it's said and done, there is no turning back. I've made my choice, now I've gotta face the facts. within myself, the hunger won't be subdued, because I can't have my cake and eat it too." -AFI

"We never know what could have been, but looking back we see: what could have been and never was, was never meant to be." - Beth Nielsen Chapman, "what could have been"

"don't feel bad for me. I started out alone, and in the end that's where I'll be." - Plain White T's, "sad story"

"You were my best friend, and I never ever thought those days would end, but now it seems like they are gone." - The Ataris, "make it last"

"What we had was this amazing thing to me. I don't think you ever realized how powerful it was. You changed my life...And I can't go back to loving you the way I did if I know my love wasn't strong enough in the first place." - Dawson's Creek

"I miss you less, with each day you're gone." - matchbox romance

"I'm sorry if you thought there was something left to save." - driving east

"He held the flame I wasn't born to carry."

"And now I see that you're so happy, ooh it just sets me free, and I'd like to see us as good of friends as we used to be." - Wilson Phillips

"If you see me walk by, you better just let me walk by. You better not bat your pretty eyes. You better not stop me to say hi." - Ani DiFranco 'O.K.'

"There's nothing more to say. You closed the door today. You chose to walk away." - Beth Nielsen Chapman, "fair enough"

"Tonight, as much as I would like to, I can't put my hands all over you." - Get Up Kids

"I'm not saying I'm battered and bruised, but I might as well be with the words you used. I believe in myself, that makes me stronger. Things changed and so have I." - Jessica Andrews, "there's more to me than you"

"You've taught me that love can suck. That feelings can change, passion will fade, partners will come and go, but through it all . . . one thing remains sacred: friendship. And it's true. Without my friends, this summer would've been a big, black hole of depression for me." - Dawson's Creek

"But it's too little too late, no going back to the start. You only lose when you hesitate. And now that I would give you my heart, it's too little too late." - Amanda Marshall, "too little too late"

"In the moment when we touched, maybe we went somewhere else that rose above all this, but then we landed, and I think maybe we crashed." - Dawson's Creek

"We really never had a close relationship. A lot was said. A lot went unsaid." - Smallville

"'I want to make it up to you,' he said. 'I want to make it right.' 'forget it,' she said. 'it's over. I've moved on.'" - In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

"And you've changed me in a way I can't grasp right now and for a few moments you made me incredibly happy and for that, I thank you." - Justine

"There are certain circumstances love can't overcome...this is one of them.. and I don't wanna know you anymore." - Dawson's Creek

"I woke up late to find you gone." - Brandston

"I think about what would happen if you ever, by chance, heard one of our songs. Would you just change the channel because you hate it now, would you stop and think and remember me and everything we had, or would it just keep playing on the radio just as if you hadn't noticed? I would hate to think that it wouldn't hit you that that was our song, 'cause then I would have been forgotten. At least if you turned it off 'cause you hated it, then there are some feelings still left in you about me."

"I always thought it would end -- feelin' like it's the worst it's been, but, you know, that's okay." - Ultimate Fakebook, "circus horrors"

"You know all I care about is your happiness, so don't worry about me, I'll be fine." -america's sweethearts

"If you wanted to sleep with him -- even for a second -- maybe it wasn't wrong after all. Maybe it was your heart telling you that I'm not the one. Because that's what my heart's telling me now. That you're not the one." - Dawson's Creek

"First, I was so in love with you that it almost killed me. And second, I don't regret moving on with my life." - Alias

"No, it's not the presents. It's you Andy. I'm not interested in you. I'm sorry, I was hoping that we didn't have to have this whole conversation, but obviously we do. The thing is, ummm, I'm-I'm not attracted to you and I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I don't want to date you and I don't parse anything romantic happening between us." - Everwood

"You're not a part of me anymore." - Jacqueline Kelly

"we don't argue anymore, and I don't miss you. cause you never really cared about me anyway" - one true thing, 'wish I was everything'

"Soft skin, and her hair, that half-awake smile when she saw me come in, like she didn't know if she was still in a dream. She was the only thing I was living for." - Smallville

"things have changed. things have moved on. I'm the same man she fell in love with and yet different." - My Legendary Girlfriend by Mike Gayle

"I hate you. You were just some boy who made me laugh at a party once, and now I loathe the sight of you. In fact, if you come any closer, if you touch me or anything, I think I'll scream." - Revolutionary Road

"I was in love with you, but to hell with you, 'cause you didn't treat me right." - Pink

"Right guy. Wrong time."

"I'm leaving the past where it belongs...way behind me. My future....well, it looks fantastic because you won't be a part of it."

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