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Love Advice Quotes ... Page 3

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"If the guy you're dating doesn't seem to be completely into you, or you feel the need to start 'figuring him out,' please consider the glorious thought that he might just not be that into you. And then free yourself to go find someone that is." - He's just not that into you by by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

"Extend your heart and your hand and your soul will be satisfied."

"Don't marry the person you can live with. Marry the person you can't live without."

"The sooner you realize things will never be the same again, the sooner you can move on." - The O.C.

"Blindfold your eyes and let your heart walk you home...if you end up on another doorstep, then your heart is trying to tell you something."

"The person you loved took a good long look at the awesomeness that is you, evaluated your relationship together, and said, 'No, thanks. I'll try my luck elsewhere.' Or you said it to him. Either way, that alone should make you realize that it wasn't a match made in heaven." - It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken by Greg Behrendt and Amira Ruotola-Behrendt

"After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much. So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. But if someone with flowers happens to stroll by, give 'em a fighting chance."

"If there's anything you should do before you die, allow me to suggest something: look into someone's eyes, someone who you really care about. Really look at them, just look at their face, their eyes; take them in. Breathe their breath into your lungs at a moment when they're the most happy....and I promise you, I swear, you'll never see anything more beautiful than the expression on their face....or the one on yours."

"It's not about the perfect setting. It's not about the perfect timing. It's about the perfect person. Nothing else matters. " - Dawson's Creek

"Someone leaves someone stays. Someone lost but who's to say? You risk it all to walk away." - Beth Nielsen Chapman, "fair enough"

"You need to have a little faith, Tibby. Not everyone you love is going to leave you." - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2

"Revenge sex is not the answer. If you're letting her go, let her go. Be an adult." - Grey's Anatomy

"If you find the perfect guy and he's single, stop and think for a second why he's not taken."

"You're better off without him. Don't call him. He's breaking your heart." - The Ataris

"Don't say goodbye because it means forever. Say nice knowing you! Because it was."

"You can do anything. The point is that you should do something. Relationships are the most important thing in life, and friends are part of that." -Nicholas Sparks

"Never forget what they did to you and never let them know you remember."

"Three important rules for breaking up: Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to, prolonging the situation will only make it worse, tell him honestly simply kindly but firmly don't make a big production don't make up an elaborate story just to help you avoid a tear jerking scene if you wanna date other people say so be prepared for the boy to feel hurt and rejected even if you only have gone together for a short time and haven't been to serious there is still a feeling of rejection when a girl prefers the company of others to your exclusive company but if your honest and direct and avoid making a flowery emotional speech when breaking the news the boy will respect you for your frankness and honestly he will appreciate the kind and straightforward manner in which you told him your decision unless he's a real jerk or a crybaby you'll remain friends." - Popular

"You already have one asshole. You don't need another." - He's just not that into you by by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

"This is about you not being able to commit, because committing means saying goodbye to whatever unfulfilled fantasy of love you've concocted after seeing too many Meg Ryan movies. But men don't come and make everything all better - they're only human. And you shouldn't punish him because you were forced to grow up so fast you never learned how to let someone else take care of you. He's not your father, okay, he's not necessarily gonna disappear at the first sign of trouble. And, as scary as it is to consider letting yourself be truly vulnerable with another human being, what's even scarier is that deep down inside you know you picked this man...and if you run away from him now, you'll be running away from being the kind of person you always wanted to be. " - Scrubs

"Just ask yourself one simple question: is he taking care of your heart?"

"Unfortunately, around here things don't always end as neat and tidy as they do in sitcoms. Relationships aren't always magically fixed in thirty minutes - you have to work on them." - Scrubs

"You can't rub bengay on a heartache." - Calendar Girl

"Sometimes when you care about someone, honesty isn't necessarily the best policy." - 90210

"If things work out right, he'll come to you in the end. But if he happens to slip and fall away, don't catch him. Then he'll realize he made the mistake, and it was truly his loss."

"People keep telling me that maybe it'd be better if we got back together. Maybe it would be. I know I would be so happy if we did. But my endings never end happy anymore. Because in my life, there's no such thing as forever, and there's no such thing as love, or happily-ever-after. There's attraction and there's stirred emotion, but no true love, and no forever. Perhaps he did love me, and maybe everything he said, he really meant. But however it all goes down, it all comes down to the fact that 'forever' doesn't exist. And true love it actually works in the reverse. you must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." - Margaret Young

"Sometimes you just have to turn your back and walk away... whether you're walking out on your friends, your family, or the love of your life... sometimes walking away is the hardest thing to do, but the best thing in the end."

"Give it up and walk away, he might not love you but you'll find the one someday."

"Let me tell you something about love, Millicent Huxtable. It does not knock often. And when it does, you have to let it in. You are a wonderful friend. And you're smart, and you're beautiful, and it is gonna suck to lose you, but there is a boy out there who loves you. And I know that you love him back. So, now you have to get your wacky ass out of my store." - One Tree Hill

"the truth is, everyone you meet will hurt you at one point or the other, but you just need to decide who is worth the pain."

"When you're in love and you're sure it's true, when he's all you're thinking about when you have nothing else to do. Just do yourself a favor and think the whole thing through. Ask yourself this question, is he thinking of you too?"

"There are some things I know for certain: always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can." - Practical Magic

"Never, ever, regret something that made you smile."

"When you really care about someone... you have to be willing to be hard on them. The truth will always hurt but not as bad as the knowledge of the lie later on."

"When I was a kid, most of the advice that my dad gave me was crap. But there's one thing that he said that was pure genius... he said, if you're ever with a girl that's too good for you, marry her." - Valentine's Day

"When you fall into love, be prepared for the other person to fall out . . . most relationships DON'T last a lifetime."

"Don't let yourself become so angry that you stop loving, because one day, you'll wake up from that anger, and the person you love will be gone." - Dawson's Creek

"He doesn't have to love your CD collection. He doesn't have to love your shoes. But any good, mature guy better make an attempt to love your friends and family--especially when they're great." - He's just not that into you by by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

"Getting through life and growing up, you tend to get hurt and get your heart crushed...but what you have to realize is...if God had intended you two to be together, he will find a way....but if you guys don't end up with one another, that just means there is someone somewhere out there that is more perfect waiting for you."

"I wish that I could make him realize that he's worthy of being loved. That he could be someone's world. That somebody thinks of him every single night before she goes to bed and every single morning when she wakes up. That someone nearly dies with yearning thinking of his arms around her. That somebody loves him more than anything because he's fantastic. He is that special."

"Do you ever put your arms up and spin really fast? That's what love is like. It makes your heart race and turn's the world upside down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance, you can't see what's happening to the people around you. You can't see that you're about to fall." - Practical Magic

"One shouldn't be too hard on oneself when the object of one's affection returns the favor with rather less enthusiasm than one might have hoped." - The Object of My Affection

"you've got to let her go." - Roswell

"Heaven's not the place that you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive. So live for the moment. Take this advice, live by every word. LOVE IS JUST A HOAX, so forget anything that you have heard. Live for the moment now." - The Spill Canvas

"Keep your smile until he leaves, cry when he's gone."

"You got to give her some faith. Hold her tight. A little tenderness...gotta treat her right. She will be there for you...taking good care of you. You really gotta love your woman." - Bryan Adams

"Do you know what kind of miracle it is that Derek is who he is? Do you know how rare it is that someone like him even exists? He's still an optimist. He still believes in true love and magic and soul mates. He's waiting for you, and if you don't come back from this ... you will change who he is." - Grey's Anatomy

"Hold onto love ....or it might let you go. Take not your faith for granted, it must be practiced to remain worthwhile. So, too, with love. In loving someone, you cannot admit it often enough."

"There's no doubt about it--breakups suck. But in the first few hours or days or weeks that follow, there's one important truth you need to recognize: Some things can't and shouldn't be fixed, especially that loser who dumped you or forced you to dump him. It's over for a reason, and deep down inside you probably know what that reason is. " - It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken by Greg Behrendt and Amira Ruotola-Behrendt

"You deserve to be with someone who is nice to you all the time." - He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

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