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"I started putting myself 'out there' again. Going to bars, parties, launches. And even though I felt like shit I pretended to have a good time, and after a couple of months I realized that I actually was having a good time, and that was when I decided that I'd had enough of men. At least for a while." - Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

" After a while you just wanna be the one that makes you laugh." - Sex and the City

"When will waiting for 'the one'... be done?" - Sex and the City

"My heart was made big enough for two."

"I was in that rare state of mind that women always tell you to aspire to, but which you usually find impossible to reach. That state of mind that is completely happy without a man, isn't looking for anyone, is completely fulfilled by work and friends." - Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

"When a single guy has money, it works to his advantage. But when a single woman has money it's a problem to be dealt with. It's ridiculous! I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it." - Sex and the City

"He holds me when I start to cry, makes me smile with just his eyes, shares my hopes , dreams, and fears, wipes away all my tears, I love him without regret.. I just haven't found him yet .." - Krista Trzeszkowski

"that's love. Lust is something completely different, and it feels like ages since I've been attracted to someone who feels the same way about me." - Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

"Somewhere on earth...I've got a soul mate. He was made in heaven to fit me perfectly. He'd attend to my every need, he'd understand my emotions, and I would be happy. He's in my life...we just aren't ready for each other yet."

"I've got this loneliness that's so relentless." - Tim McGraw, "I Guess You Get Used to Somebody"

"Love just doesn't happen to girls like me; girls who build their hopes on an intricate web of day dreams. The truth is that everyone has issues and maybe building up a fake, perfect man in my mind was my biggest issue of all. I've been walking around with the ghost of my magic man. He's been haunting me, keeping me from a world of opportunities that were right in front of me..." - Beauty & the Briefcase

"it shouldn't hurt me to be free, it's what I really need to pull myself together... but if its so good being free, would you mind telling me why i don't know what to do with myself?" - emiliana torini

"I guess I'm giving up on love 'cause it really kind of sucks." - The Ataris, "giving up on love"

"'if you ask why i'm not interested in someone, i might say their nose is too big, or they don't know how to dress, or they're too thin or too fat or too plain. but the truth is, i only notice those things because of the real reason--that i'm just not feeling anything. but people don't want to hear that. they always want an explanation. so i have to come up with something concrete even though feelings aren't like that. if i did meet a guy and i felt happy with him for whatever reason, i wouldn't give a rat's ass what he wore or how tall he was or what he did for a living. but when i'm with someone and it just doesn't feel right, that's when i start noticing the bad haircut or Chicago accent or unibrow. and it's true that tomorrow i may go home with someone who you think is totally wrong for me. and the next day i might meet a perfectly nice guy who you think i should feel excited about, but i don't. but if i do go home with someone, it means for a change, something feels right. for a change, i'm feeling hopeful. i just want to feel happy when i'm with someone. is that so wrong?'" - Starting From Square Two by Caren Lissner

"once they're in your head, they're there for keeps until they either dump you or you manage to get over them. To be honest, I find the whole process completely exhausting." - Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

"How can they have new relationships already? I'm still in the I just broke up with someone phase." - Sex and the City

"'when i was nineteen and i didn't have a boyfriend, i never felt bad about it. because i figured someday i would. my friends and i had plenty of fun alone. what ruins the fun is the fear that you'll be that way forever.'" - Starting From Square Two by Caren Lissner

"Gigi: Hey sorry to bug you again! Uh quick question.
Alex: What's going on?
Gigi: Ok I'm making out with this guy, PG stuff. but he mentions he's going out of town so he's gonna be out of touch.
Alex: Run.
Gigi: But maybe he is going out of town.
Alex: To where? New Guinea? Where's he gonna be that he's gonna be out of touch?
Gigi: Opens bathroom door - Where are you going out of town to again?
Gigi: Pittsburgh
Alex: Run.
Gigi: So what now I'm just supposed to turn from every guy who doesn't like me?
Alex: Uh. Yeah!
Gigi: There's not gonna be anybody left." - He's Just Not That Into You

"'I've never understood why people insist on saying things like, 'there's plenty of other finish in the sea.' My mum actually said that to me, you know, after I was dumped by the person formerly known as 'my boyfriend.' There's me crying my heart out and all she was offering me by way of consolation was a fish metaphor.'" - My Legendary Girlfriend by Mike Gayle

"So I'm sorry that I can't go any further with you and tonight may be a night I'll regret, but I'm already somebody's lover . . . he just hasn't found me yet." - Lila McCann, "already somebody's lover"

"I don't know when I got bitter, love is surely better when it's gone." - Tonic

"I'm in love with the perfect man, and he is in love with me . . . we've just decided to meet each other later on in life!"

"I think I have finally come to understand why my life is like it is. All of the heartbreaks and disappointments are going to help me truly appreciate love, whenever it finds me." - Amanda Gattie

"I think I was totally in love at one time. It felt good. When that stopped, it hurt a lot, but in the end, I think it has made me better for it and appreciate what it was. Love is a big deal to me. It'll come again eventually." - Leslie

"Once she had someone who loved her back when she was younger, now she wonders if she held out a little bit too long. Back then there were so many, now there just aren't any. It seems like all the good ones are gone." - Pam Tillis, "All the Good Ones Are Gone"

"I don't have someone to call my own." - MxPx

"Barbie: You have everything!
Ken: Everything... except someone to share it with... " - Toy Story 3

"I don't want to be with somebody who would rather be with me than with nobody. I want to be with somebody who would rather be with me than with anybody."

"You know that feeling you get when you start to realize you're alone? When you just wake up one day and snap out of some trance you've been in. It's like that rude awakening from the cold air. Well, it hit me today. Walking in the hallway, with couples at lockers, ahead of me, behind me, all around me. Until all I see is a world paired off, leaving me the odd one out."

"I don't fool myself with romance. I just live phone number to phone number; dusting them against my thighs, in the warmth of my pockets which whisper history incessantly... asking me, 'where were you?'" - Ani DiFranco, 'coming up'

"I know I have you guys, but...and really, I hate myself a little for saying this, felt really sad not to have a man in my life who cares about me. No special guy to wish me happy birthday. No goddamn soul mate. And I don't even know if I believe in soul mates." - Sex and the City

"You can't expect me to choose a boyfriend right away, that would be like eating the first pancake off the stove. You have to feed one to the dog."

"I thought I found my knight in shining armor, but it turns out he was just a loser in tin foil."

"All those fools go rushing, they don't hesitate. And the lonely go looking where the losers wait. And I'm thinking, somewhere in the middle there's a love that's true. But I ain't found one yet, and I ain't got you." - Toby Keith, "yesterday's rain"

"once again I've been unceremoniously dumped when I thought I was in control, I thought I had a handle on things, I thought that I wouldn't get hurt. What is wrong with me? I mean, I'm a good person, I'm nice to people, and animals, and I try to treat people with respect, and what happens? I get bloody dumped. Over and over and over again." - Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

"The thing that gets me is that I'm not usually wrong about the phone number size up. I don't put it out there unless I'm pretty damn sure it's coming back." - Sex and the City

"I'll do anything and everything for that perfect moment, that moment where the world stops, where you feel like you're floating, when you feel like it only goes up from here, where everything seems perfect and until I reach that moment, I haven't found the perfect guy."

"And sometimes in the moments right before sleep came, he wondered if he was destined to be alone forever." - Nicholas Sparks, 'The Notebook'

"Yeah, I'm alone, but I don't need happy couples walking down the hall together to remind me!" - Meggan Riley

"Somewhere, someone is looking for exactly what I have to offer."

"People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated." - (500) Days of Summer

"Freedom! This Freedom! Free to fly, Free to rise, Free to do as I please! This magnificent's so...Lonely..." - JT

"for a minute, I'm totally happy, until I realize I'm still alone." - Smallville

"Samantha: You know, married women are threatened because we can have sex anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. Carrie: We can? Samantha: And they're afraid we're gonna have it anytime, anywhere with their husbands. Charlotte: I would never sleep with a married man. Samantha: What makes you so sure you haven't? Wedding rings come off you know." - Sex and the City

"I didn't want to be in a relationship with someone unless they were absolutely right, and, let's face it, how often do you meet someone who you really fancy and really like? Exactly." - Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

"I don't understand why women are so obsessed with getting married? I mean married people just want to be single again, if you're single the world is your smorgasbord." - Sex and the City

"I've come too close to happiness, to have it swept away. Don't think I could take the pain, never fall again." - Janet Jackson

"Sometimes ... I think that the only person that loves me and cares about me is myself ... sometimes I feel like guys only want to play mind games with me and after I actually like them ... they ignore me and never cared about me in the first place ... maybe the only person I can trust is myself ... maybe that is why I feel like no one will actually see the real me and inside my heart or what the shape of it is because there isn't someone out there for me ... and that's why I am so insecure about falling in love again."

"Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and suddenly, you go all the way inside, to their soul... and you both know, instantly. I always imagined I would fall in love, nursing a blind soldier. Who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard, seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought, at least, by the age of fifteen, I would have a love life. But, I don't even have a 'like' life." - My So-Called Life

"There's very very few decent guys out there, and in this day of sexually transmitted diseases, the odds of landing one become even tougher." - Ally McBeal