Dawson's Creek Quotes ... Page 2

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"There are certain people who are not meant to fit in your life, no matter how much you want them to be." - Dawson's Creek

"You can't explain why you love someone, you can't..... you just do." - Dawson's creek

"When a girl hates you the way she hates you, it really means that she likes you. That's basic kindergarten psychology." - Dawson's Creek

"It's not the first kiss that counts, it's the second. First kisses are spur of the moment but you have time to analyze and think about the second kiss." - Dawson's Creek

"What is being in love? Being in love is when you continue to love somebody even when there is no chance of that love ever being returned." - Dawson's Creek

"You may be right for each other, but that doesn't mean you're right for each other right now." - Dawson's Creek

"If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way." - Dawson's Creek

"You can't choose what you love, it chooses you." - Dawson's Creek

"It's not about the perfect setting. It's not about the perfect timing. It's about the perfect person. Nothing else matters. " - Dawson's Creek

"Love has this horrible habit of messing everything up." - Dawson's creek

"There are worse things than a broken heart. Like the love that you don't explore." - Dawson's Creek

"There is no time constraint on how long you can care about someone. No limit on how much, especially if they've been so much a part of your life already." - Dawson's Creek

"You know you really love someone when you can spend the entire night just sitting by a fire watching them sleep." - Dawson's Creek

"When two people are on a crash coarse for each other and you put yourself in the middle its only bringing them closer together." - Dawson's Creek

"It's agony. Complete, excruciating agony. It's like your heart is being ripped out of your chest and stomped on. You can't breathe, you don't want to eat, you can't function. It's the most intense pain you'll ever feel, and the worst part is there's no way to relieve it. It's unyielding, merciless torture. And you know it's yours for life." - Dawson's Creek

"It's funny how you still love the person but you just stop needing them like you used to." - Dawson's Creek

"It's a strange thing we do� fall in love knowing that if the person we love ever left us it would destroy us completely." - Dawson's Creek

"Everything, I mean love, romance, relationships...it all falls together perfectly, and its incredible...it's those moments, no matter how depressingly few and far between, that make growing up worth it." -Dawson's Creek

"Letting go isn't a one-time thing, it's something you have to do everyday, over and over again." - Dawson's Creek

"It seems that every relationship produces it's share of disappointments, insecurity, and pain. Anyone who's never been hurt is either very lucky, or very lonely." - Dawson's Creek

"You always tease the one you love." - Dawson's Creek

"To love someone, when there is no chance of that love ever thriving, that is romance." - dawson's creek

"loving someone's gonna hurt, and the sooner you let yourself feel that, the sooner you'll be able to love again." - dawson's creek

"I think sometimes, you have to lose someone completely before you can figure out what they really mean to you." - dawson's creek

"Sometimes you make a promise and you mean it at the time but then life gets in the way and makes it impossible to keep." - dawson's creek

"you're still young enough to fall in and out of love a few more times before you get it right." - dawson's creek

"There's no need to rush fate." - dawson's creek

"See, the kiss is just the end result. It's not what's important. It's all about desire and -- and wanting." - dawson's creek

"You know, I've been thinking about what you guys were saying earlier, about boys being twits. And I think you're right... but there's more to it than that. 'Cause, you know... sometimes all they have to do is just look at you, with that certain look, that look that says that you are exactly where they want to be... and you feel it too, for them... and you just melt. Like a big blob of ice cream. Even when you don't want to." - dawson's creek

"There's no such thing as just a kiss." - dawson's creek

"Girls suck. It's like they get lobotomized the second they hit puberty. One day you're all milling around in the Rainbow Brite section at FAO Schwartz. The next day someone has breasts... After that, it's all about getting boys to like you and whoever dies the thinnest wins." - dawson's creek

"Teenage sluts aren't born, they're made." - dawson's creek

"All these lies -- these lies you're all telling to protect each other -- they're not going to solve anything. They're just mind games. And nobody wins." - dawson's creek

"That's the point. You don't need help. There's nothing to figure out here. There's only what you feel." - dawson's creek

"It isn't... And it is.... And it isn't. But it's worth it. Every single time." - dawson's creek

"At Sex. That's the only rational thing to do, right? You have to laugh at it. You can't enshrine it in some temple. And you certainly can't try and run from it. It's everywhere. It's like food, water, air. We're inhaling it every time we breathe." - dawson's creek

"They grow up. And they accept responsibilities, and they realize that die-young stay-pretty isn't exactly all it's cracked up to be." - dawson's creek

"It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind." - dawson's creek

"Girls have all these idiotic, misguided notions about boys. We always think we can spruce them up, turn them into something they're not." - dawson's creek

"I think maybe that happens sometimes to girls who lose their mothers when they're young, they're very driven to succeed." - dawson's creek

"I think anything we don't know or understand can scare us." - dawson's creek

"Everything in life isn't about winning. You have to find joy in the process. You have to love what you do." - dawson's creek

"Everyone always wants to define gay and straight by who you sleep with. It's not about that. It's about moments. It's about being too nervous to ask for my number. It's about conversations like this. It's about who and what you love. That's why you can't erase it. Because it's not just a part of your life. It's everywhere." - dawson's creek

"I don't know. It's like, there's this person that you want to be for other people. To make them proud of you. And then there's you. And sometimes it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins." - Dawson's Creek

"Knowing what you want is half the battle. The trick is to stay tenacious and not let any setback derail your vision." - Dawson's Creek

"Yeah. Yeah, 'cause it's about people who don't follow the dominant path. You know, people who kinda just live on their impulses, and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable." - Dawson's Creek

"Why, when broaching the topic of sex, do so many writers try to write themselves out of it? Sexuality and all its dysfunctions are intrinsic to the human experience, maybe the one thing we can all relate to at the end of the day-- well, neurosis and the god thing aside. And the reason that Roth seduced us and miss morning after here didn't is that while Roth isn't afraid to get his hands quite literally dirty with rapid-fire sensual description, our e-mail author here distances herself from the act with vague metaphors. Can't be stream of consciousness if you're observing from the shores... right?" - Dawson's Creek

"As real as something can be that's entirely an illusion." - Dawson's Creek

"There is no right or wrong. Just the consequence of your actions." - Dawson's Creek

"Sometimes people can't believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first." - Dawson's Creek