Dawson's Creek Quotes ... Page 4

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"And it sucks because I know he's out there falling in and out of love with girls...that aren't me." - Dawson's Creek

"I'm afraid I'll end up alone. I'm scared that I'm always gonna be the '[sister]' or 'friend' or the 'confidant,' not quite somebody's everything. I'm scared that I'll never find a [girl] that I'll love as much as I love you." - Dawson's Creek

"I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you yell at me about what I've done, okay? Joey, you left me, you dumped me, I haven't moved on, I haven't let go and that's why I'm clinging to dear life to the one thing that's keeping me going." - dawson's creek

"There's a part of me that's gonna be in love with you for the rest of my life." - dawson's creek

"For the longest time, I was just waiting to find somebody that I loved as much as you. And I realize it's just not gonna happen, ya know?" - Dawson's Creek

"I fill my days with memories of him. I remember how he used to look at me, as if I was his most valuable treasure. Has he found a new treasure? I can't help but wonder if we will be able to find our way back to each other. The road seems so very long, and my head is crowded with such a dark thought. I feel our bond grows weaker by the day and I'm powerless to stop it." - Dawson's Creek

"And the sad part is, that no matter what goes on this year, when you come running back to me again, you know I'll be here." - Dawson's Creek

"I guess when it comes down to it; I can't walk through that door." - Dawson's Creek

"I sat there looking at this incredible reflection of who you are, and I realized that I absolutely hate it when you're not around. I wanted to thank you, I wanted to hold your hand, I wanted to kiss you. But you weren't there." - Dawson's Creek

"There's no one like him...and he will always hold a special spot in my heart." - Dawson's Creek

"Do you think it would've worked out between us if I...if we hadn't...if things had been different?" - Dawson's Creek

"I know that things between us are pretty much beyond repair right now. And I wouldn't ever presume to try and make everything better with a conversation, so that's not with this is -- but I just wanted to tell you, I wanted to say ... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pain it caused you. But mostly I'm sorry for my part in it. And I'm sorry for the pain I know it caused you. But mostly I'm sorry because I miss our friendship. And however far off it may be, I look forward to the day that we can be friends again, So, until then�" - Dawson's Creek

"I called because I wanted you to know that despite everything that's happened and all the miles between us right now, I still think about the way it was in the beginning." - dawson's creek

"I don't know why we can't just try to get our friendship back --" - dawson's creek

"Maybe I was trying too hard, but I didn't want to miss my chance to dance with you, to hold you, to make you remember what it's like between us. I thought if only I could make tonight perfect�" - dawson's creek

"Unfortunately, in conclusion, I have no solution. But I think I'm going to start changing my birthday to a different day every year� just so that maybe it will escape by without anyone noticing it." - Pacey's Rants

"you don't know what it was like, so there's no way you could possibly understand. I made a decision about my life -- a private decision that I don't want the whole world to know about." - dawson's creek

"So? I've never been to the Middle East. I still have feelings on the subject." - dawson's creek

"I'm not a push over. I just feel I have to explore my options." - dawson's creek

"Of course I wanna have sex, but the question is -- am I ready? 'Cause I don't know how you know you're ready, people always say 'you just know' but maybe that's something people just say but they never really know, and maybe I'm just wasting time waiting for some lightening bolt that's never gonna come?" - dawson's creek

"To my parents. Who taught me that love doesn't conquer all. That love ends. And then it begins again." - dawson's creek

"I just wish I were more like you. You feel things, you act on them�" - dawson's creek

"I take it back. You haven't changed one bit. You're still an eternal optimist." - dawson's creek

"There's a voice that doesn't agree with what's going on here. And it will be heard." - dawson's creek

"There's this image I keep coming back to. I'm ten-years-old. My mom and dad take me to see 'Jurassic Park.' There I am, fourth row center, flanked by my parents. And in walks this guy and a girl. Probably our age. They plop down right in front of me... and proceed to make-out for the entire movie. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that anyone would rather kiss than watch this miraculous fantasy unfold on the screen. At one point, I tapped the guy on the shoulder and he looked back at me, like, 'One day you'll get it.' Here it is all these years later, and I'm not that guy who goes to the movies and makes out in the balcony, and I'm not that kid who sat between his parents... I'm this third person who's too busy analyzing everything to actually sit back and enjoy the show. I mean those other two guys, at least they're having fun. I'm not anymore. And that is why I dropped film class." - dawson's creek

"I've been around the block enough times to spot a date in sheep's clothing." - dawson's creek

"I'm sure we'll find a way to be estranged again in no time." - dawson's creek

"But when I came home, I'd lost the guy. My soul-mate. It was like having an organ, my heart, literally ripped from my body. All I could feel was cold and empty... my future, slipping away... You see, I lost my love -- but I was determined not to lose my life." - dawson's creek

"Sometimes what I don't need to know, I don't want to know." - dawson's creek

"everything you haven't done, I have." - dawson's creek

"Everyone has their limit and I have now reached mine! I quit." - dawson's creek

"Every one of these girls is incredibly insecure. I can't even speak my mind anymore without stomping on somebody's feelings." - dawson's creek

"but blind optimism is one of my faults." - dawson's creek

"I can't. I can't. 'Cause if I say these things, I can't ever take them back. And it'll change everything, and I can't do that. I can't." - dawson's creek

"When movies get too unrealistic, it depresses me. I get a headache, I can't watch." - dawson's creek

"Hey, I don't talk trash. I recycle it." - dawson's creek

"I'd get hurt. Mad. Confused. Ask people for advice. Maybe the wrong people. And then I'd wait." - dawson's creek

"You know - that girl who rents the movie the night before an all-important paper is due because her debilitating attention deficit disorder got in the way of actually reading the book." - dawson's creek

"I know I've made a lot of stupid mistakes, but the worst one was thinking the person who hurt me the most wouldn't hurt me again." - dawson's creek

"I'm a firm believer in sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing." - dawson's creek

"There's nothing I would change because it's life's little bumps and bruises that make you who you are. . so why regret that?" - Dawson's Creek

"I remember everything." - Dawson's Creek

"'Stalker' is too negative of a word, I prefer doggedly persistent." - Dawson's Creek

"I mean I can't help it, okay? Happiness Freaks me out. It's like all those perfectly manicured lawns at the beginning of Blue Velvet. You just know something evil lurks beneath." - Dawson's Creek

"I'm not going to apologize for it, cause the truth is I'd do it again." - Dawson's Creek

"I feel lucky, like I've been able to capture a feeling I've lost along the way." - Dawson's Creek

"And if by some slim chance you kissed me back, you would be thinking about someone else right?" - Dawson's Creek

"It seems a little sad that I was the girl whose only purpose was to help you find out who you're really in love with." - Dawson's Creek

"It's not like I wanted to be the one holding your hand or anything, I just didn't want her holding it." - Dawson's Creek

"Joey, I'm sorry if this ruins the fantasy, but this girl means nothing to me compared to you-- " - Dawson's Creek