Other Board Member Quotes ...

"I thought I loved you, but it was just PMS." - Pinkie

"And what I finally decided is maybe...maybe I don't want to get over you. Maybe I don't want anyone but you. Maybe that's why I still think about you everyday even though I know we will never have what we used. Maybe..." -Kate Russell

"Every once in a while this unbelievable sadness comes over my heart and breaks it all over again ... not because of the way things are but the way things could have been." - Andrea

"I guess it all boils down to one fact: I still love you." - Vickie Taylor

"I'd be happy to come back to you...except it was you who went away." - Ashleigh Brilliant

"I know you no longer think about me....I'm not even in your thoughts....but I'd just like to know.....am I still in your dreams?" - Andrea

"There's too many things that remind me of you." - kate the great

"I can't help it if he still has a hold on my heart�" - kate

"You're the one person I always thought I could rely on. The one person who I put all my trust in.. the one I was behind 110%. Whatever choices you made I was right there with you. But now. Now I don't put my faith in you. Now I have no respect for you. Not after seeing you with her... knowing you can do better... knowing you shouldn't be with her. But I guess I'm just hoping one day you'll look at me.. and see what you used to see... the girl who was behind you 110%... the one who no matter what was always there for you. Because when she's gone... when she's moved on and found someone new... I'll still be here... waiting for you.. still loving you." - Emily

"What you're meant to me over these past two years, you will never know. That one night when we were introduced ... your sweet words said it all. We know that we'll be best friends for the rest of our lives ... no matter how much distance separates us. You know that I love and miss you like crazy, and I know that one day the distance won't hurt quite so bad. Love has taken it's toll on me, and I can't help but wonder what would happen if I were a few years older. But I guess if it's truly meant to be ... we'll be together eventually ... whether it's tomorrow ... or in 30 years ... only time will tell..." - Sam

"I dont know why I ever loved you, or why I still do. All I know is, my heart needs to be with you." - Jill

"I want to be that light burning through your eyes. I want to be the fire in you." - Sara Mease

"Heaven must be a wonderful place now that you are there...because I know the world is a lot less beautiful ... without you by my side." - Sara

"When it hurts so much what can I do? when everything is wrong what should I do? and when everyone is fake what should I think? the only thing that is always there for me is sorrow..." - Sara Mease

"Saturated in pain, swallowed into tears, steered into confusion, lost in love, we find ourselves here everyday, everyday we find a little more of ourselves that we need to understand... " - Sara Mease

"My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot." - Ashleigh Brilliant

"I pretend to be happy so I don't have to explain myself to people who'll never understand." - Lindsay

"I think I might be addicted to loneliness." - kate

"Tonight is one of those nights I spend an hour just looking at the photo on my dresser of us standing there, together. It's one of those nights I'm ready to run cross country just to be by your side. One of those nights where anything reminds me of you, of us. One of those nights I don't know if my tears are happy because I have you at all, or sad because I miss you more than anything in this world." - Dayna

"Distance is only temporary, but love is a bridge in that distance that links us for a lifetime." - Vickie Taylor.

"It was in the middle of High School where I realized that things weren't what they seemed to be. It seems like things would never change. That people that the same person who thought was a bitch two years ago is who you think is a bitch now. If nothing seems to change then it just gets worse. Your best friend ditches you, the guy you like has a girlfriend, your dog dies, you and your mom always fight, and no matter how happy you may be one day, it all changes in a matter of twenty-four hours. The world around you seems to be crashing down upon you. And for the love side of your life...you don't want to go there for the pain is so unbarring. The next morning you will wake up and realize that life is not so bad if you are having fun and all of your friends are getting along. You feel as if life can't get any better. Then the next week your friend will pick a fight, your new crush moves away. Life again seems to be down-pouring on you. Meanwhile everyone else is fine. Everyone else is smiling. You begin to wipe away your tears and realize that this is it. This is life. You only got one. So you begin to make more of the happy times happen and you are more aware for all the times it might rain and for the next time you may have an umbrella by your side to protect you." - Stephanie

"It was as if I wanted to cry myself to sleep. I thought that maybe my tears would cause him pain, let him know how bad I was hurting, but I knew that was just silly. He would not know of my pain. He would not see my tears. So it doesn't matter, I would be the only one to ever feel the pain anyway..." - Kate Russell

"I think I wanted something between us because I thought that maybe you could be the one person who could fill my need to feel loved, cared for, and wanted. Stupid of me to have been so blind, because you see, you only broke my heart." - Jill

"There's a secret word to which the doors of my heart are always open. It's your name." - Ashleigh Briliant

"Why is it everyone looks at him and doesn't see how wonderful he is? Because I saw it the first time I laid eyes on him, I don't think I knew it then, but I guess I was falling in love." -Kim

"Do you know how it feels to wake up in the morning and under your covers feel so warm and comfortable? Like everything is so perfect nothing is wrong. Time is still and calm. Everything is going your way and you love this feeling. Right? Well, that's how you make me feel." - Sara Mease

"Forever is what I've always imagined myself sharing with you." - Megan-Anne Faber

"When someone said, 'Wow you're lucky to have someone like that in your life', I simply said, 'I know', because knowing when you should be grateful is the best part of all." - Megan-Anne Faber

"I was about to tell you that I love you, but then you took my breath away." - Jillian

"The only thing that I regret so far in my life is the many times I looked past you -- the times I only saw you as a friend and not as someone who could make me unbelievably happy." - Bree

"I love being with you. I don't have to work hard to impress anyone� you know all my faults. I can cry in front of you, and you'll just hold me until I stop� or I can laugh so hard I cry� and you'll laugh with me until we're both crying. And it's perfect. How sometimes we don't have to say anything. Just being together is enough. Even though we know everything about each other, we still never run out of things to talk about. You're always there for me, weither to hold me or laugh with me. You've been with me through everything and I can't imagine ever not having you in my life. I love having you in my life." - Emily

"When you're around my knees get weak, it's hard to speak. I can't feel my stomach drop down to my feet. My palms are sweaty and my face turns red, as a dizziness floats through my head. This feeling I have, it's hard to explain. I'm starting to wonder if I'm even sane. Is it true? Can it be real? Is this actually love that I feel? It's as if God has sent me an angel from above. I guess this is what they call love." - Sara

"You always tell me that I'm perfect...in every way. Well you made me this way. You made me the better person that I am ...You gave me a heart again something I never thought I would have, you gave me life...now in return I GIVE you love." - Jen

"I can't imagine waking up tomorrow and you not being the first thing on my mind. I can't imagine sitting in French class writing someone else a love letter. I can't imagine running home from my bus stop to call someone else. I can't imagine someone else coming over and cuddling with them on my couch. I can't imagine ever being stupid with anyone else. I can't imagine kissing someone else. I can't even imagine loving someone else. Because you're it for me. You're the one who I'm always going to love. You're going to be the one I marry someday and have five kids with." - Ashley

"You know what I think is strange? When I look back at the good times I have had, I mean the really great times I have experienced in life, you were always right there by my side. . .But more importantly, when I look at the real rough times, all the trials, you were STILL by my side. . ." - Kate Russell

"I used to think I was happy. Sure I had a taste of it. But until I met you that's when it really began, the never ending smile, the warm love inside me." - Sara Mease

"Isn't it a nice coincidence that you and I are alive at the same time?" -Ashleigh Brilliant

"If there was no tomorrow, then tonight will never end, if we could freeze the hands of time, I would stay here in your arms and not go back again." - Tiffany

"There's a point in everyone's life that it was either before that point or after it, well baby, you're my point and I refuse to let there be an after you because my heart belongs to you." - Lindsay Annie

"i wont say we'll be together forever, because I've learned not to expect forever until it happens, but he makes me so happy, for now, and probably for a long time to come." - Vicki

"One day I just realized he was gone for good -- and it was okay." - Sarah

"A few months ago I couldn't picture myself living without you. I thought I'd be the hardest thing I ever had to do. Now that I'm doing it...it isn't nearly as hard as I expected." - Andrea

"Falling in love with your friend is like going into a pool...you can test the water and decide its too cold, or you can just jump in. the only problem with jumping in is you may never get fully dry. I jumped right in, and you threw me out...and you didn't even hand me a towel." - CaraBelle

"It's like I was just flattering myself to believe that someone thought I was beautiful; someone thought I was something great; someone wanted to be with me. It's like I was right all along when I would think in my head: you're never going to find someone that loves you. It's like everyone who has ever said any mean thing behind my back was right and I was stupid for one second, forgetting all that hurt and falling for the lies that you were telling me about myself because it made me feel special; it made me feel better about myself; it made me feel important; it made me feel happy: the unfamiliar feeling that I wanted so badly to hold onto." - hali

"Why am I holding onto this? I know there'll be nothing more to us except you using me. I need to make myself strong. I can't let you break me more then you already have." - Drea

"It's those things you hate about yourself that someday someone will love about you, they are only the best." - Sara Mease

"You're my best friend.. I'm not supposed to fall for you... You've always been there for me, a shoulder to cry on when a boy broke my heart. Always there telling me everything would be alright. But now.. now when I see you... my heart skips a beat. And I wanna run up to you and give you a hug and a kiss and tell you I love you.. and I would.. if you weren't holding her hand." - Emily

"You think you know me. But you really don't. You don't know that I'm in love with you, that I have been for the past three years. You don't know that every time I see you with her, I wish it were me instead. You don't know how hard it is to be your 'best friend', because that means I'm with you all the time and can't have you. I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach, but yet I blow it all off for you. I want you to be happy, and if I told you this, it might complicate our lives forever." - Danielle

"Ya know, people just don't get it. In fact, I don't even get it anymore. Ever since we met, we've always been really close; closer than close. We were best friends, but it seemed like there was something there. We were always together, always smiling. Everything in the world seemed to suddenly make sense when you were right there beside me. I felt it, did you not? Everyone else saw it, they even talked about it to me. Did they not to you? All I ever heard was 'Gosh you guys are perfect. When are you going to go out?' or 'What are you guys trying to pull? The longest 'Will they, Won't they' relationship in the history of the world?!' All those times we spent together just holding each other? Did they mean nothing to you? I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm blind for ever even imagining us being together. Am I?" - Bree

"She can't treat you the way I can, because if she could, you wouldn't have kept coming back to me." - Cynthia

"I wish I hadn't kissed him. I knew I regretted it a moment after it was through because it was nothing like the first time you and I kissed. The room didn't spin, my vision didn't even get hazy.. I just knew at that moment, I wasted a kiss on him I could've cherished with you." - Megan-Anne Faber

"I know as long as you are happy I can get through this, but it still kills me to see you with her. Not because she is perfect for you, not because she makes you smile, not because she is what you need, but because I know that she deserves you more than I do, and that pain is indescribable." - Kate Russell

"It was never about him, I was just killing time, it was always, always about you." - Shae

"I may be the girl of us two, but I think I've proven I've got way more balls." - Morgan Cook