Other Love Quotes ... Page 7

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"So you blew me off for a bottle of tequila. Tequila's no good for you. Doesn't call, doesn't write. It's not nearly as much fun to wake up to" - Grey's Anatomy

"You wanna know something? I knew. I knew you didn't feel that way about me, even during, when we were in bed I knew. I knew and I still let it happen, because, um, well, I figured that one night with you was better than never. So, will you just stop saying that you're sorry? Cause you didn't know any better, but I did. And... I'm sorry." - Grey's Anatomy

"See, this is going somewhere weird. I want facts, and until I get them, my pants are staying on." - Grey's Anatomy

"Something wrong? Why would anything be wrong? We just had sex in a church - and we're not even married - and now we're gonna dig up a grave! I mean, what is that, like a triple sin? I'm surprised we haven't been struck by lightning." � Fool's Gold

"it feels odd. You know, I'm used to the hunt, and this is effortless. It's, just, it's freaking me out." - Sex and the City

"Number one, he's very handsome. Number two, he's not wearing a wedding ring. Number three, he knows I carry a personal supply of ultra-textured Trojans with a reservoir tip." - Sex and the City

"Once upon a time in a kingdom faraway, a certain man and a slightly less certain woman kept bumping into one other. They seem to meet everywhere; on street corners, at parties. It was almost as if they were dating accidentally. And then, after another chance meeting, at a wealthy lawyer's new son's bris, they decided to pick a time to bump into each other on purpose." - Sex and the City

"Meanwhile, uptown, Charlotte wondered when relationships had gotten so complicated. She yearned for the time when dinner was followed by dessert, not lubricant." - Sex and the City

"What's really going on here is sex. Good old-fashioned, eager to please, do what I tell you to, Eagle Scout sex." - Sex and the City

"It's all about control. If he goes up there, there's gonna be a shift in power, either he'll have the upper hand or you will. Now there's a certain camp that believe whoever holds the dick, holds the power. Hello, you're driving! The question is, if he goes up your butt, will he respect you more or respect you less? That's the issue." - Sex and the City

"I can tell you one thing, I sure did miss you, officially." - Sex and the City

"Well, I didn't put an expiration date on the sentiment, but I figure it's got the shelf life of a dairy product. It's going to start to curdle in about a week." - Sex and the City

"The weird thing is, when he tells me what to do in life it drives me crazy. But when he tells me what to do during sex, it really drives me crazy. It's totally hot!" - Sex and the City

"Steve: So what now? Are we still just friends?
Miranda: Yeah, we're still just friends. Friends who have sex." - Sex and the City

"I figured we made a good match. I was adept at fashion; he was adept at politics. And really, what's the difference? They're both about recycling shop-worn ideas and making them seem fresh and inspiring." - Sex and the City

"Don't do that, don't act all cute, I hate it when guys act all cute...blah." - Sex and the City

"We were having one of those great first dates that you can only have when it's not an actual date." - Sex and the City

"That night Howie and I had sex like we were teenagers again. Meaning he didn't know what he was doing and I didn't say a thing." - Sex and the City

"I don't wear vintage clothes. I hate flea markets. I don't collect antiques. Is it too much to ask that he not be, I don't know, used?" - Sex and the City

"Then I realized it what was wrong was, for the first time in my life, I was in a relationship where absolutely nothing was wrong." - Sex and the City

"We haven't even gotten married yet, and we're already talking about divorce." - Sex and the City

"Sawyer: I know your type.
Kate: I'm not so sure.
Sawyer: Yeah, I've been with girls like you.
Kate: Not girls exactly like me." - Lost

"Shut up and stop trying to be charming." - Lost

"Commitment is what makes you tick, Jack. The problem is you're just not good at letting go." - Lost

"You got a little love connection brewing over there, Jabba?" - Lost

"Kate: I'm sorry I kissed you.
Jack: I'm not." - Lost

"All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you." - Lost

"You know I could've held you in my arms forever and it still wouldn't have been long enough." - One Tree Hill

"'a spouse, or even an ex-spouse, would have required you to have made a commitment to someone,' Sam says. 'That's not an area of strength for you, is it?'" - Ask Again Later by Jill A. Davis

"And someday soon I'll get it right, and then you'll see how good I can be." - Saves The Day

"Randomly she bites her lip, hiding the picture in her mind. Randomly she smiles, she remembers every word you said that night."

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