Sad Theoretical Quotes ... Page 4

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"I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning." -Mr. & Mrs. Smith

"People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them." - George Bernard Shaw

"I honestly think that everyone has weaknesses. The strongest person you see in a day may be the one going home and crying himself to sleep at night." -Lori Belanger

"Can you imagine what it would be like to look into somebody's eyes and know that their destiny is so much greater than yours, that you will never compete? You will always be left behind." - Smallville

"Faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven. So we trust in the words of the only father we've ever known. We believe the promises of the woman who shares our bed. We rely on the example of dear friends who help us to be better people. Yes, we all want to believe in those we're closest to. But where there is doubt , our faith begins to vanish, and fear rushes in to take its place." � Desperate Housewives

"'Change can be good . . . sometimes,' he says cryptically. �But it's always tough to let go of the past.'" � Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin

"The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free. Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open, like it or not. And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore. The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control... you're not." - Grey's Anatomy

"'Cause good things aren't always what they seem. Too much of anything, even love, is not always a good thing." - Grey's Anatomy

"People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers." - Grey's Anatomy

"here's the thing. When you're obsessing about something like that, there's generally a reason." - Grey's Anatomy

"Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can't have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. But as tough as wanting something can be, the people who suffer the most, are those who don't know what they want." - Grey's Anatomy

"Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. And when the dam bursts, all you can do is swim. The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. We are tired, we are scared, denying it doesn't change the truth. Sooner or later we have to put aside our denial and face the world. Head on, guns blazing. De Nile. It's not just a river in Egypt, it's a freakin' ocean. So how do you keep from drowning in it?" - Grey's Anatomy

"We're all damaged, it seems. Some of us, more than others. We carry the damage with us from childhood, then as grownups, we give as good as we get. Ultimately, we all do damage. And then, we set about the business of fixing whatever we can." - Grey's Anatomy

"We all go through life like bulls in a china shop. A chip here, a crack there. Doing damage to ourselves, to other people. The problem is trying to figure out how to control the damage we've done, or that's been done to us. Sometimes the damage catches us by surprise. Sometimes we think we can fix the damage. And sometimes the damage is something we can't even see." - Grey's Anatomy

"A couple hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success: 'Never leave that till tomorrow,' he said,' which you can do today.' This is the man who discovered electricity. You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection. Sometimes, the fear is just of making a decision. Because, what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?" - Grey's Anatomy

"I mean if life's so hard already, why do we bring so much trouble on ourselves. What's up with the need to hit the self-destruct button?" - Grey's Anatomy

"Pain, it comes in all forms. The small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain that we live with everyday. Then there is the kind of pain you just can't ignore, a level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else, makes the rest of your world fade away until all we can think about is how much we hurt, how we manage our pain is up to us. We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it, and for some of us the best way to manage pain is to just push through it." - Grey's Anatomy

"Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That's what we like to think. But that's not the way it is, is it? Somethings we'd just have to learn over and over and over...again." - Grey's Anatomy

"Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it, and life always makes more." - Grey's Anatomy

"Trust is a hard thing to win back." - Lost

"You know why they call it 'down under?' Because it's closest to hell without getting burned." - Lost

"You've given up the right to be believed." - Lost