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Scrubs Quotes ... Page 2

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"If I finally get a damn heart, I'll let you eat ice cream off it!" - Scrubs

"I honestly believe in hospitals, there's like this balance, you know? It's like when one person dies, another person gets a chance to live. I like to call it the circle of life. " - Scrubs

"It's funny. Every time I think you're the same old sharp-edged jack-ass, you turn around and do something to remind me that you're such a pansy. " - Scrubs

"This is about you not being able to commit, because committing means saying goodbye to whatever unfulfilled fantasy of love you've concocted after seeing too many Meg Ryan movies. But men don't come and make everything all better - they're only human. And you shouldn't punish him because you were forced to grow up so fast you never learned how to let someone else take care of you. He's not your father, okay, he's not necessarily gonna disappear at the first sign of trouble. And, as scary as it is to consider letting yourself be truly vulnerable with another human being, what's even scarier is that deep down inside you know you picked this man...and if you run away from him now, you'll be running away from being the kind of person you always wanted to be. " - Scrubs

"I was going to tell him the truth eventually; I just wanted to see if he was going to be with me because he wanted to, not because he had to." - Scrubs

"Well, I have ruined everything! All he tried to do was take care of me and show me that he loved me. But, no, I had to drive him away because I don't like being vulnerable even when I'm normal" - Scrubs

"It's just that I've rushed things with people in the past, and I don't want to do that with you." - Scrubs

"See, I love that you don't let the little things bother you. Like, right now, you've got pit stains, and you're just like, 'Whatever! I'm workin' hard!' " - Scrubs

"You guys, you know, I've just gotten to know you as a couple, but you remind me of my grandparents. They were married for sixty-five years, and every night before Grandpa and Grandma would walk around the block, he would look deep into her eyes as if to say, 'I'd follow you anywhere.' Anyway, the way you two just looked at each other, I could have sworn I was looking at them. " - Scrubs

"I'm so sick of being alone, you know?" - Scrubs

"I'll tell you what, if you look me in the eyes and you tell me that you're really ready to start something right now... we won't even need a cab - I will, like, I will throw you over my shoulder and just sprint the twelve miles to your house! " - Scrubs

"If I'm not back in twenty minutes, I don't want you to worry because it simply means I drove by a prostitute on the way home." - Scrubs

"There are a lot of ways to grieve... but, last time I checked, wheelbarrow-style wasn't one of them." - Scrubs

"I think relationships can be defined by big moments that don't happen - or by the little ones that do. But once you get past the drama, it's actually pretty simple: All you have to do is whatever it takes to make her happy. " - Scrubs

"Listen up, ace: You will always be a royal pain in my ass, and I will always be waiting for the day when I get to jam that knife into your side once and for all; and you know it as well as I do!" - Scrubs

"Woman, look at me! How can someone with all of this here be jealous of any of that out there!" - Scrubs

"No, I'm a winner. But, I will tell you something that my grandmother told me when I was a kid; even though at the time I thought she was my mother. She said, "Time spent wishing is time wasted." Now, she died shortly after that, and my sister - who actually was my mother - she never got over it. Neither did my brother-dad. But the point is this: If you want to be different, then be different!" - Scrubs

"You know why I wanted that to be you in 'The Fugitive'? Because it would mean you used to be a guy who had dreams and ambitions; and even though things didn't work out the way you'd hoped, at least it would explain why you are the way you are and...make you human. But instead, it turns out you're nothing more than a... a jerk who just likes to mess with people for no reason." - Scrubs

"People don't like me. You know why? I'm a "screw-up", always "have been". For instance, when we were kids, Mom would always make me walk Johnny to school first day every year. Every year, I'd walk him to the wrong school! Just 'cause!" - Scrubs

"I'm afraid you have me confused with somebody who gives a crap. And it's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed, turns out it happens all the time." - Scrubs

"in the end, the most important thing to accept is that no matter how alone you feel, how painful it may be, with the help of those around you, you'll get through this too." - Scrubs

"I'm sorry, but I think life is just too short to spend your time working someplace where people don't crap their pants at the mere sight of ya." - Scrubs

"somehow you always seem to end up with the person you're meant to be with." - Scrubs

"If Sean and I are meant to be together, I never would have gone home with you that night and sabotaged everything that I had with him." - Scrubs

"if we're gonna give this another try, you need to know that I didn't end things with you because I was freaking out about us living together. I did it because... J.D. and I have this history and... I actually thought he might be the one. But I just ended up getting my heart broken." - Scrubs

"I may not ever be able to tell you how much you mean to me, but I promise I will try to show you... for the rest of my life. I love you." - Scrubs

"Dr. Cox: No biting.
Jordan: Just take it, you girl." - Scrubs

"We love hanging out with each other. Maybe that's love. I mean, who-who knows what love really is?" - Scrubs

"If it's okay with you, I'm gonna go ahead and take relationship advice from someone whose fianc�e is currently speaking to him." - Scrubs

"I know that was our first date, but next time, don't be afraid to put a little feeling into it." - Scrubs

"You were there when I needed you without me even having to ask." - Scrubs

"It's so strange feeling all alone when like a month ago I was part of this really tight group, you know?" - Scrubs

"No matter how much we like to pretend otherwise, strong confident women will always have the power over us. Whether they're fighting for respect, fighting for their man, or even just fighting for the hell of it. Strong women make all guys feel the same way." - Scrubs

"I find it amusing that you think you're so much as a blip on my radar. Better go ahead and jot this down in your little lawyer notebook: Nothing you could possibly do could ever, hee-hever get to me." - Scrubs

"Unfortunately, around here things don't always end as neat and tidy as they do in sitcoms. Relationships aren't always magically fixed in thirty minutes - you have to work on them." - Scrubs

"yes, change is scary, but it's also inevitable. It's up to you to make the best of it. I mean, it's not like opportunity is just gonna fall in to your lap." - Scrubs

"You're scared because you feel like you haven't accomplished anything with your life. But instead of running a triathlon, you're pushing forward with a guy you don't belong with. And you know as well as I do, one of these days he's gonna open up a bottle of white wine for you when you really prefer red, except you never told him that; and you wanna know why? It's because he's not right for you." - Scrubs

"My body just can't produce tears anymore because I've intentionally dehydrated myself." - Scrubs

"You put me in an awkward spot because I'm here and I want to help but speaking to you would acknowledge your existence and you don't exist." - Scrubs

"I guess after all this time I still think of you as like this superhero that will help me out of any situation I'm in. I needed that. But that's my problem, you know, and I'll deal with that. I guess I came over here to tell you how proud of you I am. Not because you did the best you could for those patients. But because after twenty years of being a doctor... when things go badly you still take it this hard. And I've gotta tell you man, I mean... that's the kind of doctor I want to be." - Scrubs

"Sometimes in life when you get what you want, you end up missing what you left behind." - Scrubs

"The truth is, it is all your memories, the joyful ones and the heartbreaking ones that make up who you are as a person." - Scrubs

"I know I'd love to forget all the painful things that have happened to me. But unfortunately I keep relaying them in my head like some clip show from a bad sitcom too lazy to come up with a fresh story." - Scrubs

"Look, man, we all have those bleak moments where we swear we'll never bounce when I was 17, my mom walked in my room with a look that I've never seen. She said: 'It's over, Turk. Michael Jordan's career is over.'" - Scrubs

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever actually going to find someone, you know?" - Scrubs

"As I looked at all the relationships around me, some that had gone on forever, some that were re-ignited, some that had just begun, I realized something. It should have been me." - Scrubs

"No matter how old you are you should never forget the importance of childhood. Whether it's letting your kid hold on to his... or holding on to your own; Because everything happens so fast, it all can slip away before you know it." - Scrubs

"They say that the truth hurts; and sometimes it does. But sometimes it's just surprising, and other times the truth just wasn't supposed to be heard in the first place." - Scrubs

"When you disrespect someone, and they in turn burn your ass, you must RECOGNIZE!" - Scrubs

"When I got pregnant I learned two things: Ketchup on cereal is delicious and sometimes you have to be selfish." - Scrubs