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Sex and the City Quotes ... Page 3

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"I just realized something. Or maybe it's the maturity that comes with age. The witch in Hansel and Gretel, she's very misunderstood. I mean the woman builds her dream house and these brats come along and start eating it." - Sex and the City

"No, honey, you're a woman, and men don't like women to be human. We aren't supposed to fart, douche, use tampons or have hair in places we shouldn't." - Sex and the City

"Sex is the barometer for what's going on in the relationship." - Sex and the City

"That's for sure. I was once with a guy the size of those little miniature golf pencils, I couldn't tell if he was trying to fuck me or erase me." - Sex and the City

"If I'd known he was Catholic I never would've have gone out with him in the first place. They should make them where a sign." - Sex and the City

"All we talk about anymore is Big or balls or small dicks. How does it happen that four smart women have nothing to talk about but boyfriends? It's like seventh grade but with bank accounts. What about us? What we think, we feel, we know, Christ! Does it always have to be about them? Just give me a call when you're ready to talk about something besides men." - Sex and the City

"If she does break up with him it's your fault. If she doesn't break up with him, she knows that you think that she should and, therefore can never speak to you again. Either way you're screwed." - Sex and the City

"We all get freaked out from time to time, but we keep trying because you have to figure, if the world fattest twins can find love there's hope for all of us. Somewhere, out there, there's another little freak who'll love us, understand us, will kiss our three heads and make it all better." - Sex and the City

"You can tell everything about a person by who their friends are." - Sex and the City

"If a man is over thirty and single there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian, they're being weeded out from propagating the species." - Sex and the City

"I'm all over the city looking like something that got caught in a drain." - Sex and the City

"I only slept with him twice. The first time I faked it because it was never going to happen, and the second time I had to fake it because I faked it the first time." - Sex and the City

"Everyone needs a man, that's why I rent. If you own and he still rents then the power structure is all off. It's emasculating, men don't want a woman who's too self sufficient." - Sex and the City

"I wanted to tell him that I was afraid he could never love me the way I wanted to be loved. I was afraid that maybe he didn't really have the capacity to love anyone but himself. I was afraid that given the chance, he'd break my heart again. But I cheated and just said, 'I guess I was afraid.'" - Sex and the City

"I can tell you one thing, I sure did miss you, officially." - Sex and the City

"You can't just let it grow wild anymore. There's an entire business these days devoted to the upkeep and management of pubic hair. It says as much about you as your shoes." - Sex and the City

"Men cheat for the same reason that dogs lick their balls, because they can. It's part of their biology." - Sex and the City

"I'm officially out of men to fuck, I have to get married or move." - Sex and the City

"I don't understand why women are so obsessed with getting married? I mean married people just want to be single again, if you're single the world is your smorgasbord." - Sex and the City

"It was all very familiar. She was having a d�j�-fuck." - Sex and the City

"Miranda: Men are such liars.
Samantha: And ninety-seven percent of them can't fuck you worth a damn." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: You've never called me your girlfriend before?
Mr. Big: Of course I have, just not to your face." - Sex and the City

"I haven't had morning sex since I was in college, and then it was only because I didn't have to be in class till eleven." - Sex and the City

"Why is it, it's the woman who always has to change and never the guy?" - Sex and the City

"Charlotte: There was so much skin. It was like a shar pei.
Carrie: You've never seen an uncircumcised one?
Charlotte: I'm from Connecticut." - Sex and the City

"If checking out other women is the biggest problem you're having with him, you're lucky." - Sex and the City

"Well, I didn't put an expiration date on the sentiment, but I figure it's got the shelf life of a dairy product. It's going to start to curdle in about a week." - Sex and the City

"I fucking love you alright, you know I do. It's just a tough thing for me to say, because it always seems to get me in trouble when I say it." - Sex and the City

"When a single guy has money, it works to his advantage. But when a single woman has money it's a problem to be dealt with. It's ridiculous! I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it." - Sex and the City

"Relationships have been on a decline since women came out of the cave, looked around, and said, 'This isn't so hard.'" - Sex and the City

"If the things we leave behind become the archaeological relics of our sexual history, I should be able to leave something. Ancient man left cave drawings to prove they existed. I left a Hair Pro 1200, and I didn't stop at that. Man may have discovered fire, but woman discovered how to play with it." - Sex and the City

"Charlotte: I'm so confused. Is he gay or is he straight?
Carrie: It's not that simple anymore. The real question is; is he a straight gay man, or is he a gay straight man?
Samantha: Hopefully, he's a gay straight guy, which means he's straight with a lot of gay qualities. Whereas, a straight gay guy, is just a gay guy who plays sports and won't fuck you." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: Half my music collection was left behind by past boyfriends.
Charlotte: I always give that stuff back.
Carrie: Oh I don't. I consider it a parting gift. Thanks for playing and here's the latest from Hootie and the Blowfish." - Sex and the City

"I'm a biological underachiever. And it's ironic because that ovary went to Harvard." - Sex and the City

"No, this isn't about work. This is about us getting closer and you getting so freaked out that you have to put an ocean between us." - Sex and the City

"We all have a fetish! The difference between us and them is, they're putting it out there where everyone can see. And I think it's healthy and fabulous." - Sex and the City

"After we made love I knew it was over. Did I ever really love Big or was I addicted to the pain, the exquisite pain of wanting someone so unattainable?" - Sex and the City

"Carrie: You said that you love me?
Mr. Big: I do!
Carrie: Then why does it hurt so fucking much." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: Why is it so hard for you to factor me into your life in any real way?
Mr. Big: I guess old habits die hard." - Sex and the City

"Men do this all the time. Women walk around thinking 'we,' and their version of 'we,' is 'me and my dick.'" - Sex and the City

"He's a guy. They can re-build a jet engine but when it comes to a woman, what's the big mystery? It's my clitoris, not the Sphinx." - Sex and the City

"Samantha: Carrie, you can't date your fuck buddy.
Carrie: Say it a little louder. I don't think the old lady in the last row heard you.
Samantha: You wanna take the only person who's in your life purely for sex, no strings attached, and turn him into a human being? Why?" - Sex and the City

"The weird thing is, when he tells me what to do in life it drives me crazy. But when he tells me what to do during sex, it really drives me crazy. It's totally hot!" - Sex and the City

"I totally should've seen this coming, but of course I didn't, because they wait for you to get relaxed and comfortable, before they bring the ice pick down right between your eyes." - Sex and the City

"I can't believe you're willing to throw it all away so easily, I mean, relationships take work, you need patience and understanding." - Sex and the City

"Here's what I think. Round up all the divorced men and keep them in a pound. That way you get their whole history before you take one home." - Sex and the City

"Is your vagina in the New York City's guide books? Because it should be. It's the hottest spot in town. It's always open!" - Sex and the City

"I'm pretty sure the family is supposed to be the obstacle to a relationship, not the attraction." - Sex and the City

"I don't wear vintage clothes. I hate flea markets. I don't collect antiques. Is it too much to ask that he not be, I don't know, used?" - Sex and the City

"Give him twelve more hours, and then send him off to the Island of Lost Men." - Sex and the City

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