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Sex and the City Quotes ... Page 4

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"The thing that gets me is that I'm not usually wrong about the phone number size up. I don't put it out there unless I'm pretty damn sure it's coming back." - Sex and the City

"Samantha: Soon everyone will be pan-sexual. It won't matter if you're gay or straight.
Carrie: Just if you're good or bad in bed?
Samantha: Exactly!" - Sex and the City

"Wake up! It's 2000. The new millennium won't be about sexual labels. It will be about sexual expression. It won't matter if you're sleeping with men or women. It'll be about sleeping with individuals." - Sex and the City

"Who we are in bed is who we are in life. I never met a man who was bad in bed and was good at life." - Sex and the City

"And then I realized, twenty something girls are just fabulous until you see one with the man who broke your heart." - Sex and the City

"Samantha: Good-looking, polite, house in the Hamptons...
Miranda: Good on paper.
Samantha: Uh, you know the rule.
Miranda: Huh?
Samantha: Good on paper, bad in bed." - Sex and the City

"The only thing worse than being single and in your thirties in this city, is being single and in your twenties." - Sex and the City

"Miranda: I am shitty. You would never do anything that shitty.
Steve: What do you call showing up at your apartment in the middle of the afternoon and calling you shitty?
Miranda: Yeah, that was pretty shitty!" - Sex and the City

"Steve: So what now? Are we still just friends?
Miranda: Yeah, we're still just friends. Friends who have sex." - Sex and the City

"You know what? I broke in Big. I did, I broke him in and now the Idiot Stick Figure With No Soul gets to ride him." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: There is no way that the love that I had with Big is the same thing he has with Natasha.
Miranda: Natasha? When'd you stop calling her the Idiot Stick Figure With No Soul?
Carrie: About three weeks ago when I saw them at Cafe M. He was holding her hand and smiling and...I finally got it. They're happy, slash, we're over. And it was okay." - Sex and the City

"We keep dresses we'll never wear again, but we throw away our ex boyfriends." - Sex and the City

"I have never been able to be friends with an ex boyfriend. I met those couples who stay friends and I think how? How do they do that?" - Sex and the City

"You're like a Jehovah Witness with a good suit." - Sex and the City

"It's because women really just want to be rescued." - Sex and the City

"I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?" - Sex and the City

"Can we lighten up on the cock talk until cocktail time?" - Sex and the City

"Hello, 911, I'm on fire." - Sex and the City

"Who woulda thought that an island that tiny, would be big enough to hold all our old boyfriends?" - Sex and the City

"I figured we made a good match. I was adept at fashion; he was adept at politics. And really, what's the difference? They're both about recycling shop-worn ideas and making them seem fresh and inspiring." - Sex and the City

"I'm glad you three weren't around during the original thirteen colonies. I don't think our founding fathers were very fuckable." - Sex and the City

"Look, sometimes for the right guy we're gonna have to make concessions. There's always gonna be something." - Sex and the City

"one woman's trash is another woman's treasure." - Sex and the City

"Miranda: That's my problem. I don't know how to be political in relationships.
Carrie: Oh oh, it's time for the old list. Things you like about Steve, things you don't like about Steve, and you see which column is longer.
Miranda: That's so judgmental.
Carrie: Miranda, you are judgmental. Why don't you put it to good use?" - Sex and the City

"I don't believe in political parties. I just believe in parties." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: Oh, everybody has a goody drawer.
Samantha: I have a goody closet." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: You know those women marry the Roman Numeral guys.
Charlotte: Charles Duffy Anderson the fourth.
Carrie: Ding, ding, ding.
Samantha: I find the higher the number the worse the sex. I went out with somebody the third, who couldn't even get it up. Miranda: Imagine, how bad Henry the Eighth must have been.
Carrie: Yea, you give him head, he cuts yours off." - Sex and the City

"I'm gonna find my inner goddess if it kills me." - Sex and the City

"I'm never going to be a girly girl, I never will. I'm never going to be a lotus flower." - Sex and the City

"I'm very into labels; gay, straight, pick a side and stay there." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: You know I did the date the bi-sexual guy thing in college, but in the end they all ended up with men.
Samantha: So, did the bi-sexual women.
Charlotte: Which explains why there are no available men left for us." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: When did this happen? When did the sexes get all confused?
Miranda: Somewhere between Gen X and Gen Y, they made XY." - Sex and the City

"Oh, please, I have enough trouble figuring out how to be a woman in a man's world, without trying to be a woman pretending to be a man in a man's world." - Sex and the City

"Carrie: I have a crush.
Miranda: Um, yea, you haven't had a crush in a while, not since Big.
Carrie: Big wasn't a crush, he was a crash." - Sex and the City

"She's an equal opportunity offender." - Sex and the City

"Charlotte: You'd dump a guy because he was a bad kisser?
Samantha: Honey, you have too. I mean, if their tongue is just going to lay there, what do you think their dicks are going to do.
Carrie: Point taken." - Sex and the City

"Charlotte: His tongue actually licked my teeth.
Samantha: I don't get it, did he want to fuck you or floss you?" - Sex and the City

"They practically chased me with torches like I was fuckenstein." - Sex and the City

"And, then something happened, for the first time, in a long time, I was nervous. Aiden and I were going to sleep together and it was going to mean something. I was no virgin, but this was definitely virgin territory." - Sex and the City

"If you're a thirty something woman living in Manhattan, and you refuse to settle, and your sexually active, it's inevitable that you'll rack up a certain amount of partners, but, how many men, is too many men? Are we simply romantically challenged, or, are we sluts?" - Sex and the City

"Well, you better be careful, you wait too long to sleep with someone and you miss the window of opportunity and become just friends." - Sex and the City

"Maybe, you don't believe it's for real, unless someone is playing hard to get." - Sex and the City

"I'll tell you one thing, when your boyfriend is so comfortable he can't be bothered to wipe his own ass, that's the end of romance." - Sex and the City

"Yea, whatever you got. I mean, it's all going to come out eventually so I'd like to know now, and that why I can decide if I'd like to deal with it or not." - Sex and the City

"Don't do that, don't act all cute, I hate it when guys act all cute...blah." - Sex and the City

"I don't believe this, now we are dumping guys for being too available? This is solid proof of the what I've been reading in a great new book. It says that if you really want to get married, you shouldn't be spending so much time with dysfunctional women." - Sex and the City

"I totally understand your dilemma, and from my experience honey, if he seems too good to be true, then he probably is." - Sex and the City

"it feels odd. You know, I'm used to the hunt, and this is effortless. It's, just, it's freaking me out." - Sex and the City

"Maybe, I'm just not used to someone who doesn't do the ever seductive withholding dance." - Sex and the City

"Then I realized it what was wrong was, for the first time in my life, I was in a relationship where absolutely nothing was wrong." - Sex and the City

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